Chapter Fifteen

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Cassie Jenkins was at a bar called The Dead Rabbit with her friends, Grace Miller and Sophia Harrison, on Saturday night.

Cassie: So, what do you girls want?

Grace: The Irish Coffee, please.

Sophia: Some whiskey.

Cassie: Guess I'll check out the punches.

While they were doing that, her father texted her.

Ricardo: (Text) Honey...I...have to tell you something.

Cassie: (Text) Yeah?

Grace: Oou, who you texting?

Cassie: My dad...I'm really supposed to be home right now since he wanted to give me a curfew!

Sophia: Girl, you are grown! Don't let him boss you around!

Cassie: I know, I know.

Another message popped up.

Ricardo: (Text) were right. The vigilante is definitely real.

Cassie: (Text) I told you!

Cassie had an I-told-you-so look on her face.

Grace: What's with the look?

Cassie: Well, I've kinda been keeping a secret from you guys...

Sophia: What secret?

Cassie told them about the mugger, the vigilante who stopped it, and the name he gave himself. She also told them about how the cops tried to investigate his existence, and the questions they asked her.

Sophia: ...Woah.

Grace: Woah, indeed. Normally, I wouldn't believe you with this, but your dad is a cop...

Sophia: Why haven't we heard about this?

Cassie: Don't know. The mugger news didn't mention him at all.

Grace: Duh. If they did, we would know.

Sophia: The whole world would.

Cassie: Maybe they don't want the world to know or something?

Grace: Well, how about we tell the world?

Sophia: What do you mean?

Grace: Like a blog, forum, something! If he's real, we should be able to find him, right? I assume he is a guy, though...right?

Cassie: Seemed like it, but a blog?

Sophia: Yeah, how would we go find him?

Cassie: He did come when I was in danger, but I'm not a fan of endangering myself in on purpose for this scheme.

Grace: Oh, come on! We tell people, and then we could set up like a fake robbery or something! Then we can see if he comes!

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