Chapter Twenty-Two

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In the NYPD, cops are seen dragging the captured dealers into custody. Thomas meets back up with James, who, still injured, has been waiting for them in the office.

James: I assume it went well?

Thomas: Yes. We got most of the perps. I'm sure one or two might have escaped, including Blake, but they'll be hunted down soon.

James: Have you let the FBI know of our current situation?

Thomas: Yes, I've informed them.

James: Good. We'll need all the help we can get. Any news of the vigilante or the assassin?

Thomas: No, we've still been tracking them. We've been trying to find new leads.

James: We can focus on them later. Right now, we need to focus on the problem at hand.

Thomas: Right.

Meanwhile, at Andy's house:

Andy was busy in his room, a geeked out room with lots of papers thrown around and books everywhere. He was studying chemistry for his online class. When he finished up his homework, he got a text from Demetrius.

Demetrius: (Text) Terrible plan.

Andy: (Text) Oh. Well I can always knock her out and we can interrogate her! Right best bud?

Demetrius: (Text) ....No.

Once that was done, Andy went to focus on his next class, Algebra 2. As he finished that up, he heard a knock on his door.

Andy: Come in!

It was his mom.

Emily: Hey dear, I just came to check on you.

Andy: Oh, I'm...fine mom.

Emily: Are you sure...after everything that happened with Alyssa...

Andy: Yeah...I'm...okay.

Emily: Well, let me or your dad know if you need anything....

Andy: Will do, thanks.

She gave him a hug and left. Andy went back to his work. Once he was finished with that, he went into the living room to watch some TV. His father was already on the couch, watching a football game.

Gabriel: Hi, son. Done with your work?

Andy: Yeah.

Gabriel: Good, good. How's your grades?

Andy: All A's, again.

His father patted him on the head.

Gabriel: Nice job! Here, you can watch TV.

He gave Andy the remote and went into his room. Andy changed the channel immediately to the news. Most headlines weren't interesting, just the usual stuff. He looked a little deeper and saw that the cops had performed a raid on a weapons deal between mafia members and gang members.

Andy: (To himself)

The cops had two of the gang members in custody, they were looking for the third, Blake Richmond. Most of the mafia dealers were caught, but a few had escaped.

Meanwhile, at the police station:

Cops were busy. One group was interrogating the captured suspects, and the other was preparing to visit Blake's house to find out any leads about his whereabouts.

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