Chapter Thirty-One

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The mayor was in a frenzy.

Mayor Tyler: Aurora!

He jumped out of the window, but there was no one there. All that was left was a note, which read:

"Soon, your time will come, Thaddeus."

Mayor Tyler: Damn it!

Two bodyguards rushed to the scene immediately.

Bodyguard #1: What happened, sir?

Mayor Tyler: Zach! Graham! Get everyone and have them find my daughter!

Zach: Yes, sir!

Graham: Come on, let's go!

They left, leaving the mayor to his own emotions.

Mayor Tyler: I knew this would happen. I knew it.

Meanwhile, in the hospital:

Andy: Well, see you guys.

Demetrius: Alright.

Demetrius's parents waved to Andy as police escorted him out of the room. Andy walked out of the building with them and got in their car.

Officer Arthur: Where do your folks stay, kid?

Andy: Uh, back around Hell's Kitchen. I'll show you the way.

He pointed directions out to them, and after about a little more than half an hour they arrived.

Officer Arthur: This your place?

Andy: Yeah.

Officer Samantha: Are both of your parents home?

Andy: I'm pretty sure...they should be.

The officers walked up and knocked on the door. No response.

Officer Samantha: Hello? NYPD!

Still no response.

Andy: Uh, maybe give it a while—-

Something was heard from behind the door. A thud.

Officer Arthur: Hello? Anyone in there?

After a few minutes, the door slowly clicked open. A man in a towel, with wet and messy hair, greeted  the officers.

Andy: Uh, dad...?

Gabriel: Oh, son! Officers...what's going on?

Officer Arthur: We would like to verify if you own a gun.

Gabriel: A gun? Yeah, I got one. Why?

Officer Arthur: Your son here says he borrowed it from you earlier.

Gabriel: Huh?

Andy: Uh, it's a long story dad.

Officer Samantha: I'm sure you know of the vigilante talk that's been going around. We're trying to find out if the situation that occurred involved him.

Gabriel: What situation?

Officer Samantha: A fight by an apartment nearby. A kid was pushed off a bridge.

Andy: Yeah, my friend was. Like he said, it was just some hooded guy.

Officer Arthur: In any case, we'll need you to come down to the station to pick up your gun, after it's been examined.

Gabriel: Oh...okay.

Meanwhile, back at the hospital...

Doctor Reginald: Okay, I've wrapped your injury, and I've given you medication.

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