Chapter Twelve

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Hours earlier:

The officers at the NYPD planned to catch the vigilante, deciding to lure him to an area where he could either be arrested or neutralized if need be.

James: Here's the plan, we make a fake alert at an area around Hell's Kitchen, since the vigilante seems to have been seen operating around that area. We get into position, lure him in, and hopefully, he takes the bait.

Troy: I mean, if he really exists, then yes.

Thomas: If he doesn't, Officer Jenkins will have a lot of explaining to do.

Ricardo: ...Yes, sir.

James: Well, best we get to it then. It's nearly midnight; the vigilante has been stated to act around this time.

Thomas: Right.

The officers made their move. They picked an area the vigilante hadn't hit yet, but close enough that he could get there if need be: The Target in Times Square. It was closed by now, and most people were home sleeping or on their way home that stayed around that area, even if the city "Never Sleeps."

Getting permission to set up what they needed, they got to work, waiting in aisles and turning off the lights, and the Captain sent the alert, hoping the vigilante would see it.

Unfortunately for them, he did. And now things have become:


James: Damn it, I can't see anything! It must have been the vigilante!

Ricardo went over to them, using his flashlight on his pistol.

Thomas: The hell are you doing, Jenkins? Turn that thing off!

He quickly did.

Ricardo: Sorry, I needed it to find you!

James: You need to get out of here! What the hell is going on?

Ricardo: This, this couldn't have been Riot, right?

Thomas: Why wouldn't it be? It's too DAMN convenient!

James started to get where Ricardo was coming from.

James: Wait, remember the letter from when Henry died?

More gunshots were heard, and more bodies dropped to the floor. It wasn't clear if they were cops or other bodies.

Thomas: Yeah? What about it?

James: If they were threatening cops, maybe...oh no...

Thomas: Wait, you're right! Maybe they used our trap for the vigilante, to trap US! Damn it! I wasn't focused on the possibility!!

Ricardo: No, it's my fault! I was so confused and determined to try and investigate this guy; now it's backfired on us!

James: This isn't the time for this! We need to move!

They tried to move away from the gunshots and find a back exit. Meanwhile, cops all over were heard being attacked. Thomas pulled out his radio.

Thomas: All units! Do not engage! Fall back!

The trio managed to find a back door, using Ricardo's light to get them to it. Before they could be shot, they barely escaped the chaos, to find:

Assassin: So, you're the one who's been getting in the way.

A female assassin was sizing up Riot, holding a knife in her hands. Her costume was distinctly feminine; Thomas had never seen an assassin costume like that before. Black jacket and vest, hood, a mask, a wig? of puffy black hair, thigh-high boots, a utility belt, gloves, and, a mini-skirt?

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