Chapter Twenty-Four

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Aurora was out shopping with her dad in the Saks Fifth Avenue shop on Wednesday morning, right before school. They had many bodyguards around them. While her dad looked around nervously, Aurora had her hands full with items.

Aurora: Thank you for this, Dad!

Mayor Tyler: No problem, dear. But please, speed it up a little bit, I don't trust these folk.

Aurora: Why not?

Mayor Tyler: Look at them! They seem ready to try and attack.

Aurora: Dad, they seem fine!

People were looking at the mayor, and giving waves. Some tried to walk up to say hi or get autographs, but the mayor's bodyguards kept them back.

Bodyguard: Please stay back.

Civilian: Hey Mr. Mayor! Is that your daughter? She's so cute!

Civilian #2: What are you planning to do on the increasing gang activity?

Civilian #3: Can I please have some money?

Mayor Tyler: Well, it's great to meet you all but I really have to go—-

The citizens kept trying to ask questions and record the mayor, but the bodyguards fought their way out to get the mayor and his daughter out of the store.
They managed to get in their car and drive off, with many citizens trying to follow and record.

Mayor Tyler: I told you, these damn people—-

Aurora: Well, I didn't think it was that bad...

Mayor Tyler: Trust me honey, you haven't seen bad. People just...ugh. They know how to really piss me off.

Aurora: Dad!

Mayor Tyler: Nevermind.  Next shopping trip, we're doing it on a Thursday.

Aurora: Ugh, fine.

Mayor Tyler: Now, we have to get you to school.

Aurora: Oh right! It starts in 30 minutes!

Mayor Tyler: If it were up to me, I wouldn't have even sent you, but of course, your mother had to insist on it.

Aurora: It's fun, Dad! I met new friends and—-

Mayor Tyler: Those kids aren't your friends Aurora. They just want to leech off you.

Aurora: Dad—-

Mayor Tyler: Anyway, you should get ready. Like you said, it starts soon.

Meanwhile, at Bryant's house:

Bryant was geared up for school early. He wanted to see what was the issue with Diamond, and why she kept dodging him.

Bryant: (Text to Diamond's Phone) Yo, you good?

No response. He'd been left on seen.

Bryant: (Text) Yo, hello?

Still no response.

Amanda: Bryant! Time for school!

Bryant: Coming, Ma!

Bryant grabbed his bag and walked out the door. He made it just in time for the bus.

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