Chapter Seventeen

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Out of the blue, the random man grabbed Sophia and pulled her close to him. Everyone in the crowd looked shocked as he dragged her into an alley.

Grace: What the hell?

Cassie: Oh no!

The man held her against a wall. Grace and Cassie attempted to pull him off of her.

Grace: Get off!

After more minutes of struggling, Sophia spoke.

Sophia: Okay, this isn't working.

The man let her go.

Guy: Oh. Well, you got my 20$?

She gave him a 20-dollar bill, and he thanked her and walked off.

Cassie: Well, it was a good try.

Sophia: Yep.

Grace: The hell?

Sophia: What? You said you wanted to bait him out, and Cassie didn't want to do it, so I volunteered.

Grace: And you didn't tell me?

Sophia: Meh, it would be funnier.

Cassie: Yep.

Grace: You knew about this?

Cassie: Well, maybe.

People around them were giving them confused stares. The girls walked off. The girl in a hood looked at the trio, then she walked off as well, but not before sending a text to K.

???: All clear. Nothing of interest, sir.

She was sending a text to a contact named ???.

The three ladies kept walking down the block.

Cassie: Well, I guess it's time to go. We can try another method of making contact with him or something.

Her dad called her.

Cassie: Oh boy...


Ricardo was in the station calling his daughter while other cops were either in the infirmary or the morgue. She finally picked up.

Ricardo: Cassie! What the hell are you doing out this late on the streets?

Cassie: (Phone) How...did you know that?

Ricardo: Because I saw you on your friend's livestream!

Cassie: How...?

Ricardo: Don't worry about that! You get home right now!

He hung up the phone. Other officers were busy still trying to recover from the events of the previous night. 5% of the force was killed in the attack. Officer Thomas came out from his office. He looked extremely upset.

Thomas: How are you guys holding up?

Some officers looked at him.

Maria:'s just hard right now...

Samantha: Could be better...I can't believe this...

Alex: Well, we did take a major blow...and...we lost good men. Is there anything new on either the vigilante or the assassin?

Thomas: Nothing. Whoever they are, they're both good. We will find them, however. I got patrols watching all of Manhattan.

Alex: Good...that's...the least we can do.

Crimes of the StreetsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora