Chapter Twenty-One

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Blake had got his orders. He was to go get the shipment from the meet-up location. It should have been easy.

He waited until night, then he called up a friend, Jordan. They both masked up and went to Harlem, an area they used to do their more secure deals. On the way there, Jordan had something to ask Blake.

Jordan: So, is it true a vigilante took you down?

Blake: You know too?

Jordan: Word gets around quick. Plus, some girl started a blog on him. Pretty funny if you ask me.

Blake: It wasn't funny when he shot my ass in the leg!

Jordan: Please. He's probably just some cop who wants attention or something. Not like he's really some "gritty hero" or whatever they call those dudes in the movies and TV shows. Either way, not like it matters.

Blake: Whatever.

Jordan: So, how'd you get out of jail?

Blake: An old friend helped me out. I owe him one.

Jordan: Wish my friends were like that. If I got caught, they'd ditch me and pretend they didn't know I'd exist.

Blake: You should cut them off.

Jordan stopped by an alleyway in the Upper East Side.

Jordan: Gotta pick up one more.

Blake: Who?

Jordan motioned for someone to come to the car. When Blake looked over, he saw one of their members, Serene.

Blake: Oh, her.

Jordan: Damn right.

She got in the backseat, immediately putting her feet up in-between the center of the car to Blake's disgust.

Serene: Well, if it isn't Jordan. And Blake, too. Surprised you got out of jail.

Blake: Yeah, whatever.

As Jordan took off, Serene pulled out her phone.

Serene: You know that vigilante you claimed stopped you? I didn't know he killed people.

Blake: Wait, what?

Serene showed him a picture of the body of a gang member in an alleyway. The same one Riot shot to protect Andy.

Blake: Is that...?

Serene: Xavier? Yeah, it is.

Jordan: Xavier's dead?

Serene: Yeah.

Jordan: Damn it, how do you know it wasn't a cop?

Serene: Even though cops are assholes, I doubt they would just leave a body there. Someone could randomly stumble upon it. Likely wasn't a cop.

Jordan: True. They have to maintain their little image. That they are "protectors of the peace."

Blake: Yeah, they try too hard if you ask me.

They were almost at their destination.

Serene: You boys sure we good? No cops, no vigilante?

Jordan: Cops have been in a frenzy ever since our attack on them at that store. And as for the vigilante, no one has seen him for days.

Blake: Is there any chance cops captured him during the Target shootout you guys did?

Jordan: Dunno. It'd be best for us; they need someone to blame. Hell after what he did to Xavier, I'm down to handle him myself.

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