Introduction to Grusha!

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POV: Grusha

His soft and gentle lips slowly moved over mine, making my heart skip a beat.

As he pulled away from me, I became lost in his beautiful eyes.

'Grusha, I..', he started, but stopped nervously.

I stared at him. I knew what he wanted to say, and I knew that he knew that I wanted him to say it too.

But before I could hear him say those small but very wanted words, my alarm rang.

I sat up, groaning and blinking the drowsiness out of my eyes, before turning off my alarm.

This dream, oh so wonderful dream, has haunted me ever since I saw him for the first time.

But in all reality, how big of a chance does a trans, quiet and alone nobody like me, to get together with the popular and loved guy Atlas in my class?

I sigh before rolling out of bed, going to the bathroom and back to my room again to get dressed.

I pulled my binder from its hiding place in the secret compartment onder my desk and tightly put it around my chest, making it appear flat and manlike. After I put a sweater over it, to make sure no one would see it.

Maybe that's why I love the winter so much, with sweaters it's easier to hide my binder.

After multiple classes of sitting all alone, it was time for lunch, which means even more sitting alone, but with a chance of some assholes thinking they would be funny by throwing my food on the ground or just stealing my homework.

But one girl always stuck out from the rest, Amanda Floxe, who was the self-claimed girlfriend of Atlas, and she always made sure that I knew that because she knew about my crush for him since we used to be friends, besties to be exact.

'Sup Cristine,' she mocked, slamming both her palms on the table in an attempt to make me flinch, 'how's the friendless life going?'

I stared at her without interest. 'First of all, it's Grusha, not Cristine'

'Tomato, tomato'

'And secondly, I have plenty of friends,' which was totally a lie, 'they just don't go to this school'

'Oh really?' She asked with a voice for little kids. 'I would love to meet them!'

'Sadly we aren't friends anymore, remember?' I asked, still pissed at why we broke apart, 'you didn't want to be friends with a trans creature of the distortion world'

'Can't we leave that behind? Just identify as Cristine again and we can be besties again! Maybe you'll have a chance with Atlas L/N then?', she said, mainly to mock me and punch my self-esteem to bits.

'Can't you just leave me alone!', I shouted, making everyone turn to me.

All around me people started murmuring, probably because Amanda was the most loved girl in the whole school, which made it surprising that someone would yell at her like that.

She waited till everyone stopped looking, before she shoved all my food of the table onto the floor.

I reached down in the hope of saving anything, but as I did that, Amanda reached into my backpack and stole my homework.

She walked away giggling to herself, as I stared at the ground, trying to clean up this mess she made and not to burst into tears.

My eyes were stuck on the mess until I saw a second pair of hands help me clean it, making me look up into the beautiful eyes of Atlas L/N

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