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POV: Grusha 

Atlas guided me to the table with his friends.

'Luna, Sol, this is..' he paused for a second, forgetting that he never asked my name.

'Grusha', I said to help him out.

He nodded as a thank you. 'Luna, Sol, this is Grusha! Grusha, my sister Luna,' he pointed at the black haired girl, 'and my best friend Sol', he said, pointing at the brightly smiling guy.

While Luna stuck up her hand in a simple greeting, Sol went all out. 'Nice to meet you! Where are you from? What class are you in? What do you want to become when you're older?', he continued to rant on, until Atlas told him that I might get uncomfortable by the sudden interview.

'But! In which class are you?', Sol tried again, getting a slight death stare from the guy standing next to me.

'I'm in B7', I replied with a small voice.

In the mean time Atlas had already sit down and motioned me to sit next to him.

'But then you're in the same class as Atlas!', Sol said while I sat down next to Atlas.

Luna slowly pushed her remaining food towards me, and seeing that, Sol did the same.

'Wait, we're in the same class?', Atlas said, turning to me, who had a mouth full of food.

I nodded, still chewing away the food. 'I just always sit in the last row next to the window, you probably never saw me', I said as soon as my mouth was empty, before nomming on some strawberry's.


'But why won't you tell me, Sol, where are you from?', I asked him.


'Hmm, Alola?'

His eyebrows moved up an inch or two from this answer.

'Correct', I heard Luna say, which was the first time she had said anything.

'Luna don't tell him my dark secrets!', Sol exclaimed.

'Then maybe don't make it obvious, if someone tries to hide their sexuality, they also don't go around kissing everyone they think is attractive?' Now she turned to Atlas, 'right my precious little brother?'

'Just because I'm no longer in the closet, doesn't mean that every new friend has to know it in the first second', he said, clearly preferring to me.

So I'm a new friend to them?

'That's why I waited on telling for about a minute,' and with that said she turned to me, 'you don't mind that Atlas is terribly gay, right?'

Atlas groaned and let his forehead lean on the edge of the table, while I shook my head.

'See! He doesn't even mind'

He turned his head a little until I could see him looking at me from the corner of his eye, which made him look unbelievably cute.

'But why don't you mind?', Atlas asked, sitting back up.

'I thought we weren't going to interview him', Sol mumbled.

'Shut up Sol', Atlas and Luna said at the same time, making Sol look at them both with hatred.

'I uhm..' I wasn't sure if I was willing to tell them, yea I was sure they were supportive but it's still weird to me to tell everyone, 'because I'm trans.?'

The silence of the table was suddenly deafening.

'So.. you were a girl and want to be a guy, or you're a guy and want to be a girl?', Sol asked.

'I was a girl, but am a guy now'

'So that's why Amanda called you a she!', Atlas exclaimed.

I nodded, but before anymore questions could be asked, the bell rang.

I walked into class, ready for sitting alone again, but as I looked over to my table, Atlas was sitting next to it, happily waving at me.

Quickly sitting down next to him, I asked him why he's sitting here.

'Because we're friends! Friends sit next to each other!'

Before I could do anything, the teacher walked in and started the class, but I did see Amanda, who was sitting where Atlas normally sits, staring at me with complete hatred.

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