A burning passion

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POV: Grusha

I just watched as Atlas ran into the building, unable to react.

Standing so still there, staring at the doorframe he had run through, I started to hear the sirens from the fire department and the ambulance.

And then, Atlas walked out of the house, carrying my dad with him. He gently put the old man on ground and starting feeling for a pulse, then his breath. 'Fuck', he murmured under his breath, before starting to perform CPR on him.

All over his arms were nasty burns, and when I tried to look at them, Atlas told me to not focus on him so much, that it made him nervous and he might slow pace.

The ambulance stopped next to us, paramedics running to us. Some took over my dad, and when some tried to help Atlas' burns, he told them to help my dad first, he was in more critical condition, but they insisted that the others didn't need help and commanded for Atlas to sit down.

After Atlas had his arms disinfected and bandaged, I asked how he was feeling.

'I'm fine, you should be worried about your old man', he answered, looking at the paramedics who were trying to start his heart again. As soon as he said that, the monitor started beeping and the paramedics told us to get in the ambulance.

'We got a heartbeat! Get a move on!', they shouted to the driver.

I could only nervously fidget and stare at my dad. One wrong move, one wrong moment could stop his life. Eevee felt my distress and cuddled up in my lap, trying to calm me down.

But eevee wasn't the only one to do that. Atlas gently took my hand in his, holding me slightly closer. I looked up at him, and he softly smiled at me. 'He'll make it, I promise'

'How can you be sure?'

'Because he has much to live for', Atlas replied, giving me a soft nudge.

I chuckled at it, before gently brushing over the bandages of his arm. 'Are you sure you're fine, or did you just say that to not worry me?'

'Yes I'm sure I'm fine, worst thing to happen is getting some white scars from it, and that kind of looks sick'

Unwillingly, a yawn escaped my mouth, and Atlas gently put my head on his shoulder. 'Get some rest, I won't go anywhere without you, and I won't leave your dad alone'

I quickly got comfortable on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth of his body, and quickly fell asleep.

'Grusha', a soft voice said.

'Hmm?', I mumbled, slowly opening my eyes, only to realise that Atlas had spoken, who so happened to hold me in a bridal carry.

'We're walking into the hospital'

I started rubbing my eyes and looked around. Eevee was happily standing on Atlas' shoulder, my dad was being wheeled into the hospital in front of us, and of course how Atlas was carrying me.

'How can you carry me so easily?', I asked without thinking.

Atlas chuckled by this question. 'I guess I'm just very strong'

'I guess'

As my dad got wheeled into a room, Atlas put me down on a chair outside of the room. Eevee quickly hopped off his shoulder and jumped into my lap.

And there we waited, till the doctor walked out the room.

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