Snowboarding fiasco

22 0 11

POV: Atlas

I quietly hummed to myself, petting Grusha's glaceon. After Grusha moved out, his dad insisted that eevee would come along with him. 

My eyes slowly darted upwards, to watch the falling snow. Grusha's eevee fell in love with the cold and wanted to evolve into glaceon.

My hands lifted the cup of hot chocolate towards my lips. It's been 6 months since I've moved in with Grusha, and I must say it's different from what I expected it to be.

It is twice as amazing as I thought.

Waking up every morning with him in my arms, having snowball fights every so often like little kids, and my partner pokemon loves Grusha to bits.

Sylveon glared at glaceon in my lap, and I chuckled. Even though Grusha and I are sure they are sort of a couple, sylveon still doesn't like it when I give her boyfriend my undivided attention.

Glaceon saw sylveon and gently licked her forehead.

The back door opened and I turned around to see my love walk out of our home. 'Hello there, beautiful', I said with a smirk.

He giggled, walking towards me, giving sylveon a head pat when he passed her, before gently kissing me. 'Hi'

I smiled at him, barely able to hold myself back from kissing him till the sunset, which would take awhile considering its sunrise.

'I'll be leaving now', Grusha said, our foreheads and noses against each others.

I stared into his mesmerising blue eyes. 'Where are you going?'


I sweetly pecked his lips. 'Have fun, darling, love you'

'Love you too', he half whispered, slowly pulling away from me.

To say glaceon was freaking out was an understatement.

It's sunset already, and Grusha wasn't returned yet, but I trust that he's okay, glaceon clearly not. Running around, screaming, bouncing off walls.

Sylveon's head slowly turned to me, her eyes asking "what in the actual name of Arceus is he doing?". All I did was shrug my shoulder, trying to calm glaceon down.

He only freaked out more.

'Glaceon, what's going on? Grusha is fine, I'm sure of th-', my sentence was cut short when I heard knocking on the front door.

'See there he is,' I said, walking to the door, 'he probably just forgot his keys and the ti-', I looked up at the police men when I opened the door.

'Good day, is Grusha Isaz here?', one said.

'Umm, no officer,' I nervously answered, 'why?'

'Mister Isaz is a registered snowboarder. Today there was an avalanche at a popular snowboarding spot', the officer said.

'So we're going to every registered snowboards house to know how many people and who we are looking for'

'What..', my voice squeaked, and it felt like a hand was gripping around my heart.

'He went snowboarding.. didn't he.?', an officer asked.

Tears pricked in the corners of my eyes, only being able to nod.

'Shit', the other officer mumbled.

Glaceon took this opportunity to run out of the house, me following closely behind him. Behind me, sylveon grabbed my keys, closed the door and ran after us. 

After a long run, we stopped at the foot of a mountain. Glaceon sniffed around for a bit before starting to dig in the fresh snow. 'Glace! Glaceon!', he yelped.

'Sylv!', sylveon said, helping him dig.

After awhile of us digging, I was found with a painful look in front of me. Both of Grusha's legs and one arm were folded and twisted in a way that shouldn't be humanly possible, his sweater was torn beyond repair and every part of skin that was exposed there was burned, but his face.. the left part of it had lost its upper skin layer and was bleeding generously.

I was pulled away slightly by a police officer, while paramedics rushed over to my now broken boyfriend.

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