Rika scores a snom

24 0 17

POV: Atlas

We danced over the dance floor, with our instructor sometimes telling us to do something different. Yea it sounds weird, a doctor that loves to dance, but I was good at it and it sure would be able to get those people to look at me with heart eyes. 

My dancing partner, Rika, was also great. Unlike most girls here, she's a die-hard lesbian, and just like Grusha, she's trans. Her parents are doing their best to prefer to her as a woman and name her Rika, but sometimes Ricardo, her death name, slips through.

'Spin, step, step back, step side, step other side, spin, spin', Rika mumbled, trying to memorise the dance while performing it.

Then the finale, lift her by her waist, spin, put her back down and let her lean back trough her back while I support her. And again we did it spotless.

We bowed, while the others applauded.

I looked around for someone, someone I've been wanting to introduce to Rika for a while now because of how similar they are. Then I spotted him.

'Hey there cutie', I said to Grusha.

He chuckled. 'What do you want, handsome?'

Ever since that night at my place after going to Grusha's mom, we've been calling each other pet names.

'You to meet one of my other best friends,' I smirked, before turning around, 'Rika! Get yo ass over here!'

Rika, with her long green hair in a ponytail, her beige button up, and hands in her pockets, walked over to us. 'Sup'

'Hey', Grusha said, a little shyly.

'So you're Grusha, Atlas talks about you nonstop', Rika said, smirking to me. Yes Rika knows about my undying love for the blue haired guy in front of us.

'And you are.?'

Rika fake gasped, before not so fake hitting me with her elbow in my side. 'You didn't tell him about me?!'

'I simply forgot', I said, holding my side.

'Forgot?! Dude we are almost family! How could you forget me!'

'By being busy with other things'

'Like what?'

'Getting attacked by my mum or running into a burning building to save my dad', Grusha answered for me.

'You did what', Rika mumbled, death stare in her eyes.

My sides and arms were bruised by how many times Rika decided to punch me, but they seemed to get along fine, often even running away from me around the arcade just to mess with me.

Grusha gasped. 'A massive snom plush!'

'That thing is big enough to be a chair', Rika mumbled.

'I want him'


This massive snom was the highest price of a basketball game, so obviously I went to try and get enough points to get it for him. Rika joined next to me.

While I was scoring every once in a while, when I looked next to me, Rika was a machine. She scored, grabbed a new ball and scored again, quickly breaking the high score of a kid named Ash. In the end, I had 10 points, Rika 990.

'I would like the snom plush', Rika said to the woman behind the counter.

'That's 1000 points', she answered, clearly annoyed.

'Shit, I only have 990'

'That's 10 points short, scram before a line forms'

'She can have my 10 points', I said.

The woman sighed, taking the points and giving the snom plush to Rika, who almost fell over because of how big it was. Rika then handed it over to Grusha. 'There you go, don't fall over'

Grusha happily carried along the snom, with a smile from ear to ear.

When Grusha and I went back to my house, Grusha grew tired of carrying the massive plush with him, so I now was carrying snom. 'I like her'

'Hmm?', I turned to Grusha.

'I like her, she's nice'

'She got many talents, some of which I didn't know the existence', I said, with Grusha giggling next to me.

'Well she couldn't get the plush alone'

I opened the front door as well as I could, signing for Grusha to go in first. 'But she did most of the work'

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