Bloody hell

26 0 7

POV: Atlas

'Atlas..', I heard Grusha faintly call out to me.

I quickly turned around and ran forward to catch him from falling down, noticing the wound on his head was bleeding again, like, Bleeding with a capital B.

'Fuck, no, shit!', I mumbled under my breath, quickly holding Grusha in a bridal carry.

 I estimated my options. I could wait for the search team to find us here, but by that time Grusha would have bled out, I could run outside and yell for help, but a beartic could find us first, and you don't want that. The only way I could save Grusha was risking a beartic attack, so I ran outside with Grusha in my arms, shouting for help.

'He-', I started, but broke down coughing, with the wound on my thigh being a sudden bastard, forcing me down on my knees.

When the coughing finally stopped, I met a small pool of blood on the fresh snow. 'Shit', I mumbled, realising I did have internal bleeding, before breaking down into coughing again.

I was rapidly losing more and more blood, only being able to shout "help" every once in a while.

The corner of my vision turned black and the cold of the snow seemed to stop bothering my body. I knew this would be our last hour if no one would find us. 'Help!', I shouted once more, before coughing was the only sound that came out of me.

I looked around for someone, something to save us, but the only thing I saw was the light of multiple flashlights. Wait.. flashlights mean people, people mean help! 'Help!', I yelled, coughing following out my lungs.

'There's someone'

'Did you hear that?'

'It came from there', the voices in the forest were human, definitely.

'Help!', I shouted once more, before a big group of people walked out of between the trees.

Multiple people walked over to us, took over Grusha from me and tried to help me. 'Head wound,' I mumbled while pointing at Grusha, 'cut in the thigh and internal bleeding in the lung', I mumbled, pointing at myself.

'Don't worry, you'll get the best care to help you', someone next to me said, but my vision was in a tunnel and almost all my other senses were gone.

'No.. help him', I mumbled, almost falling over, 'help him first'

The next hour was spend in and out of consciousness. One second I was begging, mumbling the search team were they put Grusha, and the next I was being wheeled into a hospital, me mumbling to the nurses to "help him first". 

Breathing became painful and irritating as more blood filled my lungs. I turned my head slightly to see Grusha being wheeled next to me, close enough for me to hold his hand for a second. 

But Grusha was wheeled into a room, while we kept going, until we past a sign saying "ICU". 'Grusha.?', I mumbled while he was wheeled away.

'Don't worry, he's going to be fine'

Quickly I was wheeled into a different room, and the nurses talked about emergency surgery, but everything sounded like it was behind a thick wall, I couldn't feel most of my body anymore and my vision was tunnelled and blurry. 

Then a mask was put over my nose and mouth, and I was unconscious.

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