Cabin covered in snow

23 0 10

POV: Grusha

Our one year anniversary. The day Atlas woke up in the hospital, the day we kissed for the first time, the day the man of my dreams became mine.

But also the day Atlas was planning to leave me.

Not that he was breaking up with me, but he wanted to head to blueberry academy, in Unova, to study being a doctor. And today happened to be the day that he was leaving.

I was cuddled up on my couch. Recently I moved into a little two bedroom cabin in the Glaseado Mountains, so, many boxes made a maze in the small house, since I only unpacked the necessary stuff, like furniture.

My eyes were stuck on the tv, wearing one of the hoodies Atlas had left for me, which had the same scent as him, cut grass with a hint of lavender. My arms slowly moved towards my nose, giving me a new wave of the scent, making me kick my feet a little.

But these hoodies weren't going to be enough of Atlas to keep me sane, after a while the scent would be washed or worn out, and considering that Atlas will be in Unova till the end of his study, 4 years, I would have to wait till we were both 22 to see him again, not considering days he would visit, like Christmas.

I looked up from the tv when I heard someone knock on the door. Groaning, I got up and waddled towards the front door, slowly opening it. 'Hello?', I asked when I saw no one, other than a moving box on my porch, which was the only place around the house that wasn't covered with a layer of snow.

Slowly I walked towards the box, inspecting it a little, before someone's arms were wrapped around my waist, making my back press against their chest. Muscle memory of Rika's self defence training took over my body, I threw my head back on the bridge of their nose, pulled their arms off me with some force and swiftly threw them off my porch, into the fresh snow that fell last night. The last thing I saw from them was a blur of blond hair before they sunk into the snow, reminding me of the same holes of cartoon characters when they fell into snow.

The person groaned in agony. 'You got that from Rika, right?', they asked, before I realised I just threw my boyfriend away into snow, and gave him a nosebleed.

'Oh Atlas! I'm so sorry!', I exclaimed, quickly walking towards him to help him get up.

'Man..', he mumbled, slightly rubbing his back, 'I was planning to surprise you, not the other way around'

'I wasn't expecting you, I thought you were going to attack me', I said, pulling him off the wet ground.

'You thought I wasn't going to say bye to the love of my life when I was leaving for 4 years?'

'I did think that..', I mareep-ishly admitted.

He sighed, kissing my cheek. He grabbed the box from my porch and invited himself into my house, only to be surprised with a maze of boxes. 'You haven't unpacked? I thought you moved a month ago'

'I didn't have much motivation after hearing you would be leaving'

He placed the box in the floor. 'Yea.. about that'

'What did you do', I asked, knowing he did something incredibly stupid.

'B-blueberry academy kind of had too many students, so s-some couldn't come in anymore', he said, with his adorable stutter.

'Babe, you often stutter when you lie, what happened?'

He sighed, sometimes forgetting how well I knew him. 'I turned it down'

'What? Why?', I demanded. Going to blueberry academy was his dream for a while now, why would he turn it down.

'Because there's another medical school here in the Glaseado Mountains', he said.

'That's not the complete reason. Blueberry academy has been your dream for years, you wouldn't turn it down just because there's a school here too'

'Blueberry academy wasn't my complete dream, my dream is becoming a doctor and saving people, and..', he nervously stopped.

'And?', I repeated.

'And you are my new dream, I don't think I can live without you, even if it's for just 4 years'

I sighed, with the blond boy in front of me looking at me with puppy eyes. 'Down the hall, first door on the left is our bedroom, the second door on the right is the bathroom. Grab some clothes and shower'

'Our bedroom?'

'You're too pretty to ask questions. Get clothes and shower, now'

'Yes boss', he said, ready to walk away, before he stopped dead in his tracks. 'Love you darling'

'Love you too idiot'

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