Farewell, sun and moon

15 0 3

POV: Atlas 

The airport was busy, while Grusha, Luna, Sol, my mum, my other siblings and Rika were standing in front of the gate to the plane. Sol was glued to Luna, softly sobbing onto her shoulder. 'How are you so calm?', he mumbled.

'Because I have nothing to worry about', she said, cupping his cheeks to make him look at her.

'I don't want to go'

'Don't say that, you've been telling us you want to go back ever since you came here'

'But I don't want to go without you'

Then dad walked over, holding Luna's suitcase, after he parked the car. Luna broke free from her ray of sunshine, walked over to dad and hugged him tightly. 

She slowly said goodbye to everyone. Giving our 14 year old brother a hug, 5 year old Nova an even tighter hug, Aurora just as tight of a hug, and started tapping on Miranda's cheeks, saying "bap" every time she tapped one of her cheeks, causing her to giggle.

She ruffled up my hair while giving me a hug, and gave Rika and Grusha a group hug, before receiving her ticket from Grusha, turning around to Sol, who was in a state of confusion. 'What's wrong?'


'You're looking at me as if you're watching water burn'

'Why are you saying bye to them? Why do you have a suitcase? Are you coming wi-', he said, getting cut off by Luna's lips against his. 

'I'm coming with you dummy, you didn't think I would let you leave me so easily?'

A massive smile creeped up Sol's face, before he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her into a hug. 

'Sol! Put me down!'

'No, I'm carrying you to the plane', he said, walking to the gate.

'Bye everyone! See you at Christmas!', Luna shouted back at us, before disappearing with her boyfriend into the plane.

The car ride back was simple, me, Grusha and Rika were going to be dropped off at the academy and the rest would go back home. 'Bap?', Miranda asked, looking around for Luna.

'Luna is on a plane to Alola', mum tried to explain.

'Bap!', Miranda pounded, trying to stomp her foot.

'Is on a plane to Alola'


My parents sighed. 'We'll call her when she lands'

'Bap! Bap! Bap!', she continues to rant, until she fell asleep.

We stopped in front of the academy, the three of us trying to quietly sneak out of the car without Miranda waking up. 'Bap.?', she mumbled in her sleep, making everyone freeze in place.

We were safely out of the car, when the car behind us grew inpatient and honked, affectively waking up Miranda. 'Bap!'

My parents groaned, before driving off, and Rika flipping the finger to the driver behind us.

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