Hanging out under the deadly laser

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POV: Grusha

I looked around for Atlas.

We were going to hang out together and walk through town for a bit, but the sun is a deadly laser and everything feels like it's on fire, which is surprising for beginning February. Due to all of that, I was wearing shorts and a tank top, but even with so little clothes on, I wanted to throw them off and jump in a body of water.


I turned around, hearing Atlas' voice, and as soon as I had done that I was in the air, lifted by this piece of hot stuff.

'Hey Atlas!', I said, surprised in how easily he could lift me up and take me wherever.

After we stayed like that for a few more seconds, he put me on the ground and I could see why he could lift me no problem. He also had shorts and a tank top, but unlike me, he had muscles, subtle but visual. And he sure didn't miss arms or leg day.

And the way he was looking at me, oh did he have puppy eyes. I glanced at them, but he was focused on my outfit.

'Never thought I would see you wear that', he said eventually.

'Same, but the sun,' I said, dramatically pointing at it, 'it's a deadly laser and I would parish if I didn't dress like a divorced father'

That was enough to bring out a laugh from Atlas. His soft and gentle laugh, that sounded even better in reality then in my best dreams. 

When he calmed down a bit, he shot me one of his flattering smiles, with his upper canines being slightly longer then the rest of his teeth, making them seem like little fangs. Little adorable fangs.

And I didn't know why, but suddenly I had confidence. Confidence to confess.

'Atlas, I-', but I couldn't get further because someone shouted from the other side of the plaza.

'No! Why the fuck are you here!', Sol yelled out at Atlas, before storming towards him.

'Hey sunny, why so gloomy?', Atlas said as soon as Sol could hear him.

'Oh I don't know? Maybe because someone woke me up at 1 fucking AM! For stupid love advice!'

'Love advice?', I echoed.

'Yea this asshole needed answers to his love questions'

'Sol, what happened over the phone, stays over the phone', Atlas grumbled.

'Well at least you don't have dreams about him, I hope', Sol grumbled back.

'Oh no, I have dreams, that's the problem! I can't sleep or my sleeping brain makes dream him make out with me'

'Oh my goodness- you are in love', Sol said with a face filled with disgust.

'You're in love with my sister', Atlas shot back.

Sol looked around, probably looking for the sister in particular. 'Maybe a little bit, so what?'

'A little bit? You're writing a love song to confess to her!'

'Oh shut up you!'

My eyes kept shooting from one to the other, confused on what was happening.

'What the fuck is happening?', I mumbled.

'This is what happens when Sol didn't get enough sleep', they both answered.

'So you're into Luna?'

'Shhh!', Sol hissed at me, worrying that she might appear from thin air if I would say her name out loud.

Mr. Sunshine and Ms. I-murder-everyone-with-a-glance?

Well, thinking back to when Luna and I hung out together, she did say she liked the ray of sunshine that was standing in front of me.

'I also don't tell everyone who your crush is!', Sol snarled at Atlas.

'I would murder you if you did', he coldly replied, and suddenly I saw the similarity between Atlas and his sister.

But Sol wasn't impressed. 'Oh shiver me timbers!', he said, fake shivering in fear.

'Why are you even here? Didn't you have guitar practice, and that's why you were so grumpy?', Atlas said, smoothly changing the subject.

'Teachers sick, told us to go to plaza's or towns and play some songs, maybe get some money.' Sol answered. 'Why are you here?'

'Hanging out with Grusha!', he said with a smile, while putting his arm around me, hand on my waist and pulling close to him, a bit too close for how warm it was. All of this made me blush in probably a bright scarlet.

'Well, I'm not going to bother you on your date, bye!', he said, swiftly turning around on his heels and walking away, not listening to Atlas shouting after him that it wasn't a date.

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