
24 0 13

POV: Grusha

I stood outside the front door of Atlas' house, knocking on the door. And, speaking of the devil, he had to open the door. 'Oh hey Grusha..'

'I don't have anywhere to stay', I mareep-ishly admitted, shyly staring at the ground. 

He chuckled, turned back a bit so I could walk in. I feel terrible that I yelled at him, and said we should stop being friends. I didn't mean it, not at all, but I was tired of seeing him getting hurt for me, and my period wasn't helping these confusing feelings. 'You can stay in my room, I'm fine with the couch', Atlas said, snapping my mind back to reality.

'I'm sorry', I mumbled.

'Hmm?', Atlas turned around, clearly not having heard me.

'I said I'm sorry,' I half shouted, half whispered, tears slowly dripping off the sides of my cheeks, 'I don't want you out of my life, I'm just.. terrified you'll end up in the hospital because of me. And hormones are fucking killing me, and I can't feel my damned legs because of those damned cramps! Fuck why am I crying!' I mumbled, sobbing my eyes out.

He opened his arms and I jumped into them, squeezing him as hard as I could. 'So mood swings and cramps? Luna has them all the time during her bloody party, I can make something for you to soothe the cramps?'

'I would like that', I mumbled into his chest, where I had my face buried.

I sipped from my ginger tea, with a heating pad between my legs, but I also insisted that Atlas kept cuddling with me, so he was sitting behind me, his legs next to me while my head rested on his chest and his hands gently massaging my abdomen. 'And, does it help?'

'Mhm', I mumbled, happily cozy in the safety and warmth of his arms, watching as the fog of my tea slowly creeped up higher and higher, before disappearing into the rest of the air.

'So.. we're still friends?'

I looked up at him, with him looking down at me, a little hint of fear in his eyes. 'Yea, I'm still sorry for that outburst'

He let out something between a chuckle and a relieved sigh. 'Good, I can't imagine what life would be like if you weren't with me'

His comment kind of made me blush. 'Just think back to the time we didn't talk yet'

'That was a boring life of being a third wheel, now I have you, and you mean the world to me, I mean that Grusha'

Arceus give me strength to not just toss the mug with tea across the room and slam my lips onto his. 'That's sounds like a couple thing'

Atlas' eyes widened a little and his cheeks turned into a soft shade of fucksia. 'Y-yea.. I guess it k-kinda is'

'You didn't tell you had a stutter'

'O-only when I'm nervous'

'It's adorable'

'You're adorable'

'Well at least you're the hot one between us'

'And you the beautiful one'

'And you handsome'

He thought for a bit, before realising he couldn't really say anything anymore. 'you win'

I chuckled, enjoying my victory, finishing my warm drink.

We slowly went to his bedroom, cuddling up together in his way too small bed, my head in the crook of his neck. 

While Atlas was able to fall asleep in a couple seconds, I stayed wide awake, questioning our relationship. We basically just flirted with each other, and it sure wasn't subtle.

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