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You opened the drawer of your study table only to find your sketch book but frown appeared on your face as you couldn't find it. You have no school today because of the weekend holiday, so you decided to sketch to pass your time but the book wasn't on its place. You remembered last time when you used it, you placed it here only.

But now it's not here. 

You came out of your room and walked downstairs only to find your book. You searched everywhere but there was no trace of it. You asked the maids too but they shook their head as they didn't saw it either. 

You were about to ask eliz but she already left the house in the morning and God knows where she has gone. She doesn't even tell or ask jungkook whenever she left the house and jungkook also wasn't interested in any of her business.

It's been six years since they got married and you have seen a lot things changing. The love they both shared before the five days of their marriage infront of you suddenly disappeared. 

You rarely saw them lovey dovey only in public but inside the house their love flies away somewhere in the air. Whenever jungkook spend time with you, eliz always come in between and tried to create distance between you both as she doesn't want to see you both close. Many times eliz warned you to stay away from jungkook as she feels jealous of her own daughter and you never understood her like always. But he ignores her as if she doesn't exist between you both.

That makes you feel so good, love and relaxing.

But why he do that?

You always felt something off between them.

But what is it?

When you ignored jungkook on your eleventh birthday, you thought he would also ignore you but you were wrong,  you saw the disappointment and sadness in his eyes on the very same night. 

His eyes were teary and he literally begged you to not ignore him. You didn't said anything that time and thought to let go with the flow.

You still don't talk too much with Jungkook but if he asks you about something you reply him. 

But you always feels joyous when jungkook cares for you and without your saying he always fulfills your wish. He always plays with you, made your favourite food, helps you with your homework, takes you out to have fun and so on. His every little doing makes you always feels to love him. 

But you get mad when you saw him as your mother's husband. That's why you always push him away from you. Now you're sixteen years old and jungkook is thirty two, his touch makes you feel strange feelings everytime even if it's a slight touch. 

You still remember how he made you sat on his lap when you both play videogames but now you're growing up and you refused to sit on his lap but his eyes reflects the essence of purity towards you. 

You walk towards jungkook's room to ask him about your sketch book. You were about to knock on his door but it was already opened. You opened the door and saw him talking on the phone while he was standing almost naked infront of the dressing table. 

He only had towel wrapped around his waist while with one hand he was drying his hair and other busy with his phone. 

Your eyes watched how few droplets of water escaping from his wet hair and traveling to his jawline down to his neck and chest before shining his toned abs , they disappeared in his v line. 

You bit your lips as you were feeling strange while crushing over his Greek god looking like body. Your eyes didn't even blink for a second as you were admiring him like creep. 

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