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Eliz wiggled in her sleep when a soft hand caressed her cheeks, her brows crashed in dazed and she opened her eyes looking at the person. 

For a moment she got lost in her thoughts as she saw you sitting beside her with a sweet smile on her face. 

" God morning...mumma" you said smiling while she got shocked as this was the first time she saw you smiling and calling her mumma after your father's death. 

Eliz sat down on the bed and blinked looking at you. While you stood up from the bed and said " get fresh...today I made breakfast for you" 

Her eyes widened at your sudden change of behaviour while you turned around to leave but she grabbed your hand and you looked back. 

She hold your wrist that was wrapped in bandage with a serious face before looking at you, making an eye contact. Your face was neutral while she pulled you towards him and asked

" What is this?" She pointed towards your wrists while you looked at her and the last night scenarios played in your mind.


You were sitting on your bed, looking outside the window watching how the night getting darker with each passing second. The moon was playing hide and seek behind the clouds. Your were not crying but tears were still pouring out of your eyes, and many things playing inside your mind. You softly closed your eyes and opened them instantly as they were bloodshot red. 

Your gaze roamed across the room before they get landed on your study table. You stood up and walked towards the table. Your eyes searched for a particular think while you lifted your arm before holding the paper cutter in your hand. Your mind was blank as you gazed the cutter for a moment and walked towards the bathroom. 

You tapped on the water letting the water fall down, filling the bathtub. You sat down inside the tub drowning yourself completely including your face. 

Soon, your body started shaking as you struggled to breath, and body tried to come out from the water but your mind was was not helping you either. 

You felt helpless as you mind started showing the various scenarios of your life causing you to shake in fear, hurt, and anger.


" Dadda..come fast I'm waiting for my favourite cake"

" Coming baby...have some patience "

" I'm waiting for you from last two hours" 

" Yes, I'm coming "

" Mumma who's he?" 

" What are you doing here?....get out..and don't you dare to say anything to your dadda"

" Omg...you look like a princess "

" Really"

" Yes...look how beautiful.. you're looking "

" I will kill your dadda and mumma...if you open this little mouth infront of anyone "

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