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Eliz breath comes in short, shallow gasps as she slowly turns, towards the voice, her eyes wide with fear, searching the shadows for the source of the haunting lullaby as the melody was chilling, echoes through the silence, sending shivers down her spine.

Her eyes roamed around the surroundings with the sweat covering her scared  features. Just by then, her gaze shifted to figure standing in the dim dark, casting a long ominous shadow on the wall. 

Every nerve in her body is on edge, her heart pounding in her chest like a drumbeat of dread.

The atmosphere crackles with suspense as her tears blur her vision, a mixture of fear and confusion clouding her senses. With a shaky hand, she blinks away the tears, desperate to clear her vision.

She again looked up to see the person standing infront of her but the absence of any physical presence intensifying the fear that grips her heart. It's as if the darkness itself has taken on a life of its own, playing tricks on her mind.

Her tears were flowing in terror as her whole body was shivering but her heart dropped when she heard the chilling whisper near her ear

 " Mumma.." the voice was cute like a baby.

While the room was filled with a palpable tension, a thick fog of fear swirling around eliz as she jumped in fear, releasing a piercing scream that pierced the silence. 

Her eyes widened in terror as she turned to face the none other than her daughter yn aka you, who stood there innocently, clutching a doll in your hands, cradling it like a baby. 

You smile widely with your shining ocean orbs, paints a picture of eerie innocence. The unblinking of your lashes, seem to hold a glint of mischief, almost as if hiding a secret world behind them. The corners of your lips curve upwards in a way that sends a shiver down the spine of eliz, hinting at a playful yet unsettling demeanor. 

The silence that followed was deafening, broken only by eliz quivering voice as she managed to utter, "Y..YN.." 

"Y-Yes, Mumma..," you mocked, voice carrying a childlike innocence that clashed with the unsettling smile on your face. The contrast between your words and expression added a layer of complexity to the scene, leaving a lingering sense of unease in the air. 

 "You did all this," eliz accused you, her voice laced with a mix of frustration, anger and disbelief. In response, your smile remained unchanged, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation.

The room was suffused with a thick fog of fear, swirling around eliz as she stood there, her eyes betraying a deep sense of dread. She looked at you as if she was staring into the eyes of a stranger. 

Eliz knows that she didn't had any heartful attachment with you but still you're her daughter and how could you do that to her.

Your own mother.

 "I saved you from that fucking jungkook in return, you did this to me...why?" Eliz voice quivered with a mix of hurt and betrayal, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air.

Eliz remember the day when she takes you out of the mansion after looking at the unpleasant site of yours and jungkook. She decided to help you and punish him by complaining in the police.

But your heart dropped at her words and the anger took over you, taking you into another dimension. 

She is again trying to snatch jungkook away from you......you thought.

And gripped her hair before smashing her head over the steering wheel with a hard force. It was all happened in a snap of time and frantically pulled the breaks. Eliz head starts spinning and aching because of the freshly wound and stared at you but you passed her smile and again smashed her face on the steering wheel. 

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