Chapter 3

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I wonder if Violet's too trusting, especially after he sister just warned her about not trusting people. She traded a boot with someone she just met, was sad over some she didn't know dying, and was showing weakness after the parapet. 

This chapter we see a bit of the relationship between her and childhood best friend Dain, and some magic. We see him open a door with magic and talk about dragon powers. 

Behind that door of his we get the hints of something between them already, but he is very by the books and a rule follower, so we'll see if that becomes a wedge between them later. He starts talking about finding a way to get her into the Scribe quadrant. It's obvious she doesn't want to be a rider, but her hands seem tied here. 

I'm a little confused on the military academy thing, squadleaders and wingleaders and differentiating between the ranks. A reader shouldn't be an expert in a subject like military academies. It is the job of the writer to clarify information and make it understandable. 

We met Xaden before, but now he's moving squads around so she'll be closer to him. Mira said he'll want to kill her, but I think it'll turn into something more. Who doesn't love to fuck the hot bad boy? Even if he's an ass. 

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