Chapter 18

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I find it interesting how their duties switch after bonding. Bigger responsibilities to those who have bonded while those unable to get the service jobs. I'm glad she was put on Archive duty, gets some time with her roots.

While in the Archives she thinks that she's found the right home in the riders quadrant. I don't know how justified this is to me. She feels like a scribe at heart. Maybe it's because she's proven herself and feels like she's earned a place as a rider.

Dain shouted at her over falling off Tairn. Bye. I'm so very over him at this point.

Dreamed about some things relating to her dad, he's obviously important to the story even if he's dead.

Tairn wakes her up, okay, cool I guess. But how did he know she was in trouble if she's asleep? The unbounded are so desperate for Tairn they'd risk breaking the rules. Since there are multiple of them I wonder if they think he'd choose one of them to bond to. If I were in their position I'd be wondering if Tairn would even bond to someone they killed, thus deeming not good enough for him after he choose her.

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