Chapter 6

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Yeah, Dain losing his cool when she got hurt isn't helping him or her in this school. If anything it's making both of them vulnerable to ridicule. 

This chapter is effective at showing how often she was hurt as a child by her history with the healers. Also shows some extent of the magic in the world by what menders can do. 

Mira gave her their dead brother's journal, breaking the rules by not burning all of the dead's belongings. A weird rule, but the way of the world. I wonder if it's illegal to keep possessions? From the beginning we see they don't have a lot of belongings, like when Mira unpacked Violet's backpack in chapter 1. Is this every quadrant, or just the rider's? It feels like the children of the world grow up knowing they'll be going into this college, no discussion. Are they all conscripted because of the war, or is this just the way of life here?  

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