Chapter 7

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So she's a bit of a rule breaker, being out past curfew in the dark of the yard. Cool, great, no big deal. Gotta bend the rules now and then. However, the imagery still isn't great for me. I can't picture the yard, the college, the path here. How did we get from the rider's quadrant to here? And how do we go from the  yard to any other quadrant? She grew up on these grounds so she knows, but what are the boundaries for those not yet admitted into the college? 

I love that she's gathering ingredients, shows a bit of the plant life. This is a cool aspect that usually draws me into the world. 

The children of the rebellion meet and honestly it's very wholesome. I sense no malicious intent even when they're by themselves. They're just trying to survive and thrive in this world. I'm not saying they don't hate their situation or some of their peers, but maybe they can be trusted more than their superiors allow them to be. 

This chapter also shows how skilled Violet is with knives and daggers. How is she this skilled when she's new to this training? Or is she just naturally skilled at this? 

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