Chapter 19

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"What. The. Hell." This is not how to create emphasis in writing. Just sloppy.

Okay, so, Andarna can stop time. That's pretty cool. She'll probably develop the ability to stop for longer periods of time as she matures and trains with it. Unless she loses the ability at maturation instead?

The bonds created between dragon and rider are strange. How do they actually bond? Their dragons mate, and are unable to be separated for long periods of time. That's inconvenient. And it tethers their riders together. Does this hold true for all mated dragons and riders? Seems not many people know about the extent of it. They believe Xaden will die if Violet dies but can't provide any proof.

Why are they all so shocked that Andarna is a juvenile? I thought that was obvious after Threshing when Vi was questioning if she could fly or not. So a feather tail just means a juvenile dragon and their tail will develop at maturity.

It being illegal to read minds as a signer power is very interesting. Seems the higher ups don't want their secrets revealed so much so that they'd rather kill capable riders.

So a signet is a combination of the dragon's power with the rider's ability to channel. It "reflects who you are at the core of your being" - still a little shaky on the rules of magic in this world.

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