Chapter 21

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More insight about the kids of the rebels. They were all forced to be riders. Xaden is the oldest, now I get why they follow him so closely. Besides him being a wing leader, he is a leader to all the rebel kids. Liam is making him seem like a good guy, which keeps convincing me he actually is.

I like the touch of ink less quills, pointing to modern pens. Kinda cool but again, what's the timer period?

I like the trip to the frontlines, the change of scenery is a nice touch. I find it strange how some of the cadets keep saying thinks along the lines of: I keep thinking we would've died sooner. Or, I can't believe we're still alive. It's a military school, with deadly tests and a high death rate. If you enrolled willingly and are still surprised you survived, that says a hell of a lot about your self worth and confidence.

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