Chapter 2: Waking up

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*Small Evelyn Aesthetic Board*

He eyes fluttered open. The sun was bright and she clamped them shut again. Her eyes burnt. It felt like she just fried her eyeballs. She clamped her eyes closed again.

She lay still, the sun was warm on her face. Now that it wasn't frying her eyeballs, it was quite comfortable, whatever she was laying on was soft. She could hear the wind rustling the trees, farm animals made noises in the distance and she heard moans and groans from other people.

"Wait- ?" She whispered, "what?"

She blinked her eyes open and twisted her head back and Roth trying to see what was going on and where she was. She pushed up onto her elbows. Blinking her sore eyes, trying to clear the fuzzy blurriness from her eyes. Looking around she saw a bunch of other people laying on the ground, all in various stages of waking up.

She frowned. Where am I? Why am I sleeping in a grassy field? And who are these people? Her eyes caught the dark eyes of a boy with dark rimmed glasses. He was sitting up, leaving back on his hands.

"What's going on?" He asked.

She blinked a few times, she had no answers. She shook her head. She pushed up further, looking around. She only then realized then how odd it was she had no idea how she got here. She had no recollection of getting here, or who these people were.

"Who are you?" The boy asked again.

She opened her mouth to answer, but fear struck her like lightning. She clamped her mouth shut. She had no nidea what her name was. Her eyes flicked to the boy a few feet from her, her eyes wide in fear.

"I...I don't know. I don't remember!" She whispered.

He frowned, his eyes narrowing and his dark eyebrows furrowing.

"Me either. I can't remember anything about myself. Or why I'm here. Or-"

"-where here is." She whispered, finishing his sentence.

They seemed to be the only two amawke at the moment, a few were moaning and groaning, but only the girl and the boy with glasses were sitting up. She slowly pushed herself up into shaking legs, standing up. She turned in a slow circle, her eyes taking in everything around her, her panic slowly increasing.

They were surrounded by huge thick giant walls. On all four sides, surrounded by walls. Inside the walls there was Barn, animals fenced in a pasture. A black dog on a chain sat with its head cocked watching. In another corner was a dense forest with thick trees. In the third corner was some kind of building structure and some smaller wood structure buildings and some kind of kitchen facility. The last corner didn't have much if anything. A few small buildings and that was it.

She spun in a circle, she felt her heart tudding against her chest, and her palms were sweety. A few of the boys were fully waking up now.

The girl was frightened, she didn't see any other girls. When the boy with the glasses had his back turned she spun around and made her way as quickly as she could, without stepping on anyone still laying on the ground, she made her way to the forest. Once she was in the shadows of the large tree she felt better. Calmer. She leaned against the tree and slid down wrapping her arms around her knees, resting her chin on them.

Who am I and where am I?

Those two questions kept bouncing around her head. She had no answers to them. She understood that something was going on, and that about 40 boys and herself couldn't all have woken up in a joint coma, or a dream. As she watched the boys wake up and look around she realized that no one seemed to know what was going on. The looks on all their faces, said the same thing. No one knew who they were or who each other was, as more boys woke up, everyone seemed to avoid each other.

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