Chapter 13: Don't Worry

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The guys had carried Gally, still twitching and moaning to the MedHut. Evelyn had taken Nick's arm over her shoulder, Jeff doing the same without being asked and they helped their leader.

" this umm normal?" Jeff asked.

He used his foot to open the door, the builders were now using rope to tie Gally down to the bed, so he couldn't lash out and hurt anyone- like the last kid. He lived through the Changing process, but he was so angry and violent. He had sprinted into the Maze when the doors were closing; screaming about bugs in his brain.

Evelyn prayed Gally wouldn't turn out like them. He was a dear friend. Sure he was gruff and kind of awkward in big groups, but he was actually quite sweet and very considerate of her and her space, very intuned with what she needed. She had walked into the MedHut one time and he was fixing open floating shelves to the wall near the window for her plants.

They sat Nick down on the bed with a groan from all of them. She straightened up and looked at the Greenie.

"I would be lying if I said no. You came during some dark days my friend. I'm sorry. Here's the short of it, it's a lot of information and I'm sorry to word vomit on you."

The builders finished with Gally and filed out of the room looking lost.

"Thank you guys."

"Yeah problem Ev. Call if you need anything." Lucky muttered as he passed.

She reached out and gave his arm a quick squeeze, giving him just a small boost of her healing. The door closed and she turned to Jeff.

"You're gonna wanna sit for this, Nick Kay down. I'll make you some tea, but you need to sleep. Alby can hand it for another day."

As she puttered around the table, crushing things, picking things from the hanging plants she explained the general workings of how the Glad is going, the history of the Grief Serum. She had to choke back a few tears, but continued, explaining the Grief Serum and what it had done to the boys in the past.

"Well shi-"

"Klunk." Nick interupted.

"What?" Jeff looked over, a wrinkle in his forehead.

"We had to come up with... different terms for some swears 'cause Minho has the mouth of a seasoned sailor." Nick explained with a slight smirk.

Evelyn lifted the corner of her mouth, Minho still cursed so badly a real witch would shrivel up, but he only did it away from Nick and Newt and a few others.

"Okay...well klunk." Jeff tested the word out with a frown.

"Yeah. You could say that." Evelyn sighed as she handed the mug to Nick. She finally sank down onto the chair by the bed.

"...there's also something else you need to know, if you're staying as a MedJack." Evelyn muttered.

Nick sat up starighted, and reached for her hand. They had a silent conversation. His dark carring eyes looked so sad for her behind his glasses.

"I gotta Nick. I...he's gonna find out one way or another, especially if he's gonna stay as a MedJack."

He deflated and squeezed her hand.

"Okay, Jeff. One more thing to make your world spin off course."

The poor kid looked overwhelmed, still trying to process the amount of information that was dumped into him a few hours of waking up in a dark cage.

He rubbed his short hair, "Oh...okay..." He stammered.

She held her hands out towards him, "Okay, give me your hands." She instructed, he placed them hesitantly into hers. She could feel the unease and uncertainty in him, on the verge of panic.

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