Who may adopt MC? (Crowley, Ambrose)

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anon requested:
Hello. Can I put a request where Crowley fighting with Ambrose because he want to adopt MC? Papa Crowley of course didn't want that 😂.


💮 "(Y/N) will be in danger. I'm pretty sure, that they will be safe once they live with me." Ambrose smiled, patting you on your head, while smiling at you like a sweet and lovely father would do.
💮 "Forget it. (y/n) is my child." The headmaster of NRC clenched his teeth, grabbing you by your wrist and pulling you behind his back, so Ambrose couldn't take a glance at you. "There is no danger here. No leave my office, right now." Crowley pointed at the office door, trying to send the stubborn older man away.
💮 "May I say something about it...?" You asked, raising your hand like in most lessons, whenever you wanted to answer a question.
💮 "No!" Your mouth opened, trying to argue back, but the older father-like men interrupted you, before you could even utter out a word. "Hey, you are talking about me! I'm sure that I'm allowed to give you two an answer and my opinion!"
💮 Glances were thrown at you, while both headmasters of different schools threw harsh words around, trying to win the vocal fight they started.
💮 "My goodness... FINE! I will leave! Have fun arguing!" You stormed off, leaving them alone in Crowley's office. "See! That's why I don't want you to adopt (y/n)! You don't even know how to handle a child!"

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