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Regulus entra corriendo al edificio.

-¿De qué te ríes?- se queja viendo a Evan divertido.

-Mírate tu mismo- señaló un espejo en el lobby del hotel.

Estaba todo deshecho, su pelo (el cual tardaba décadas peinando) todo desordenado. Su camisa rota, hasta le faltaba un zapato.

-Estás en el auge de tu carrera, eso es normal- apoyó Pandora, tranquila.

-¡Claro que no lo es! Me van a dejar sin ropa. Necesito un guardaespaldas.

-Bah, yo te acompaño siempre, Regulus. No es para tanto- restó importancia Crouch, con un movimiento de mano.

-Creo que es un gasto innecesario. Barty es muy fuerte.

-Es mi dinero y mi seguridad.

-Así se habla- apoyó Pandora, encogiendose de hombros. Regulus podía ser... una persona difícil.


-Mi primera chamba- cantó James, entusiasmado.

-Basta, James- se quejó Remus, intentando leer-ya tengo suficiente con mi marido.

-No se casaron, Remus. ¡Y conseguí trabajo!

-Se cae el mundo.

-¿Para qué necesitas trabajo?- preguntó Sirius metiéndose- si eres rico.

-Porque tengo un mejor amigo que se cree estrella y me roba la tarjeta para comprarse ropa.

-Fue una vez, y me diste permiso.

-¡Estaba borracho!

-Ese es tu problema.

-Ya basta- suspiró cansado Lupin- cuéntanos, James. ¿Con quien trabajaras?

-Un famoso, no me dijeron el nombre.

-Que emocionante- metió bocado por primera vez Peter.

-Deja ese tono, jovencito.


-Bien, estas son las reglas- comenzó Evan, mirando a Potter- no le hables, no lo mires, no camines a su lado, no dejes que nadie se le acerque, no seas un imbecil y por lo que más quieras, no te pongas ese horrible perfume.

-Lo siento- James se rascó la nuca nervioso- lo cambiaré.

-No hables nervioso. Eres un guardaespaldas no un niño.

-Bien- suspiró. Iba a ser un trabajo pesado.

-Regulus, él es tu guardaespaldas.

Black se volteó.

Un alto y fornido hombre estaba detrás de él. Llevaba lentes redondos y el cabello ondulado.

-Regulus Black- extendió una mano. James se quedó mudo ¿lo miraba? ¿No lo miraba? ¿Lo saludaba? ¿No lo saludaba?

-James Potter- aceptó su saludo, sin poder evitar sus buenos modales.

Regulus no le dió más importancia y caminó al área de maquillaje.

-Ve- susurró Evan, en una orden.

James se paró en la puerta, siendo observado por Regulus cada tanto.



Regulus runs into the building.

-What are you laughing at?- he complains, seeing Evan amused.

-Look at yourself- he pointed to a mirror in the hotel lobby.

He was all messed up, his hair (which took decades to comb) all messy.  His shirt was torn, he even had one shoe missing.

-You're at the height of your career, that's normal- Pandora supported, calm.

-Of course it's not!  They're going to leave me without clothes.  I need a bodyguard.

-Bah, I'll always accompany you, Regulus.  "It's not that big of a deal," Crouch dismissed with a wave of his hand.

-I think it is an unnecessary expense.  Barty is very strong.

-It's my money and my security.

-That's how you say it- Pandora supported, shrugging her shoulders.  Regulus could be... a difficult person.


-"Mi primera chamba- James sang, enthusiastically.

-Enough, James,- Remus complained, trying to read-I've had enough with my husband.

-They didn't get married, Remus.  And I got a job!

-The world is falling.

-Why do you need a job?- Sirius asked, getting involved,-if you're rich.

-Because I have a best friend who thinks he is a star and steals my card to buy clothes.

-It was once, and you gave me permission.

-I was drunk!

-That is your problem.

-Enough-Lupin sighed tiredly,-Tell us, James...Who will you work with?

-A famous person, they didn't tell me the name.

-How exciting- Peter took a bite for the first time.

-Stop that tone, young man.


-Well, these are the rules-Evan began, looking at Potter-don't talk to him, don't look at him, don't walk next to him, don't let anyone get close to him, don't be an idiot, and for all that you want, don't be afraid. Put on that horrible perfume.

-sorry-James scratched the back of his neck nervously-I'll change it.

-Don't speak nervously.  You are a bodyguard not a child.

-Fine-he sighed.  It was going to be hard work.

-Regulus, he is your bodyguard.

Black turned around.

A tall, burly man stood behind him.  He wore round glasses and had wavy hair.

-Regulus Black- he extended a hand.  James was speechless. Was he looking at him?  Didn't he look at it?  Did he greet him?  Didn't you greet him?

-James Potter- he accepted his greeting, unable to avoid his good manners.

Regulus didn't give it any more thought and walked to the makeup area.

-Go-Evan whispered, in an order.

James stood at the door, being watched by Regulus every now and then.



¡Hola amores! (Con intensiones de darles un abrazo)

Comenten porfis <3 se los agradecería mucho.

Lxs amo.


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