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-Exceso de cansancio- explicó el médico, el único que estaba en ese momento era James. No escuchaba las voces de sus amigos.

-¿Qué puedo hacer, doctor?

-Simplemente debe hidratarse y descansar. ¿Tuvo episodios de estrés?

-Es famoso, suele estar estresado. 

-¿Algo que haga cuando lo está

-Se rasca, fuerte. Su respiración se acelera. Quizá tiene ansiedad.

-Si tiene- reconoció la voz de su psicóloga- Señor Potter, debe controlarlo.

-Lo haré.

-Cuando despierte llamenme. Es fundamental que tenga una figura de apoyo.

-¿Usted es su novio?

-No, soy su guardaespaldas.

-Ah, curioso, es la primera vez que un guardaespaldas se interesa.

-Deben llamar a la familia.

-No están, ya lo hice. Sus padres están de viaje. Y sus amigos no podían.

-Bien, si no le molesta quedarse, puede hacerlo.

-Un placer- la voz cálida de James lo envolvía.


-Hola- James dio un salto, tirando su celular al piso.

-Regulus, que susto. Lo siento, señor- se corrigió, parándose inmediatamente.

-Siéntate, por favor- James hizo caso- al parecer eres el único.

-Sí, llamé...

-Suele pasarme seguido, ya se aburrieron de esto. Es siempre lo mismo. 


-Te preocupas demasiado. ¿Sabes que no te pagaré por ser buena persona?- bromeó.

James sonrió de lado, agachándose para levantar su celular.

-Estoy criado así, señor. Quizá soy demasiado cargoso.

-Eres muy tierno- James se dedicó a mirar su teléfono, roto entre sus manos-Oh, James, lo siento, te compraré otro.

James negó, sonriéndole.

-No tiene usted la culpa de que yo sea torpe.


-Regulus!  CALL A DOCTOR!


-Excessive tiredness- explained the doctor, the only one who was there at that moment was James.  He didn't hear the voices of his friends.

-What can I do, doctor?

-You simply have to hydrate and rest.  Did you have episodes of stress?

-He is famous, he is usually stressed.

-Something you do when he is?

-He scratches himself, hard.  His breathing quickens.  Maybe he has anxiety.

"If he has it," he recognized the voice of his psychologist, "Mr. Potter, he must control it."

-I will do that.

-When he wakes up, call me.  It is essential that he has a support figure.

-Are you his boyfriend?

-No, I'm his bodyguard.

-Ah, curious, it is the first time that a bodyguard is interested.

-They should call the family.

-They are not there, I already did it.  His parents are traveling.  And his friends couldn't.

-Well, if he doesn't mind staying, he can do it.

"A pleasure," James' warm voice enveloped him.


-Hello- James jumped, throwing his cell phone to the floor.

-Regulus, what a scare.  "I'm sorry, sir," he corrected himself, standing up immediately.

-Sit down, please- James complied- apparently you're the only one.

-Yes, I called...

-It usually happens to me often, they're already bored of this.  It is always the same.


-You worry too much.  Do you know that I won't pay you for being a good person? -He joked.

James smirked, bending down to pick up his cell phone.

-I'm raised like that, sir.  Maybe I'm too pushy.

-You're very sweet- James dedicated himself to looking at his phone, broken in his hands -Oh, James, I'm sorry, I'll buy you another one.

James denied, smiling at her.

-It's not your fault that I'm clumsy.

Bodyguard//JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now