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-Que nadie me toque- exige Regulus, un par de días después. La habían pasado lindo, muy lindo. Sinceramente los Potter eran geniales.

-Sí, señor.

Tenía la premiere de Wonka. Iba con un traje morado, hermoso. En realidad era de la sección de mujeres (dato real de Timmy)

En realidad su contextura lo llevaba a no conseguir talles tan pequeños.

James alejó a los fans.

"Qué no me toque nadie"

Él no se atrevió a tocarlo tampoco.

Eso le pareció raro a Regulus, pero lo dejó pasar.

-Gracias, un placer- sonrió a la cámara.

James le pasó un alfajor.

-Come- pidió.

-Estoy bien.

-Regulus, comé- exigió

-Si, amor.

James sintió emoción.

No pudo evitar no sonreír.

Al otro día las fotos de ambos estaban en todos lados.


-Regulus- su manager llegó- no puedes salir con tu guardaespaldas.

-No salgo con nadie, y si no te gusta ahí tienes la puerta, recuerda que yo soy el que te paga.

-Pero la agencia...

-Compraré la agencia si es necesario.

Se puso algo pesado, así que llamó a James sin que él se diese cuenta.

Potter tenía la llave de su departamento, así que pasó. Apuntando con su pistola al hombre.

 No necesitó el arma, lo desmayó con sus propias manos, y sorprendentemente, salió ileso.


Potter caminaba detrás de él.

-Ven, a mi lado- pidió.

Hizo caso sin siquiera hablar.

El auricular en su oído llevaba la voz de Remus, quien era guardia. Era un evento importante en el que estaría hasta el presidente.

-Acomodame la camisa-pidió parando en seco.Se volteó a verlo confundido, James no se movió ni un milímetro -¿Qué pasa?

-Dijiste que nadie te toque- levantó las manos.

Río divertido. Lo toma de los tirantes, atrayéndolo hacia él.

-James, eres el único que me puede tocar- susurró contra sus labios.

-James, eres el único que me puede tocar- susurró contra sus labios

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Y finalmente lo besó.


"Don't let anyone touch me," Regulus demands, a couple of days later. They had had a nice, very nice time. Honestly the Potters were great.

-Yes sir.

She had the premiere of Wonka. She was wearing a beautiful purple suit. She was actually from the women's section (actual fact about Timmy)

In reality, her build led him to not get such small sizes.

James alienated the fans.

"Don't let anyone touch me"

He didn't dare touch it either.

That seemed strange to Regulus, but he let it go.

"Thank you, a pleasure," he smiled at the camera.

James handed him an alfajor.

"Eat," he asked.

-I'm fine.

"Regulus, eat," he demanded.

-Yes love.

James felt excitement.

He couldn't help but not smile.

The next day the photos of both of them were everywhere.


-Regulus- his manager arrived- you can't go out with your bodyguard.

-I don't go out with anyone, and if you don't like it, there's the door, remember that I'm the one who pays you.

-But the agency...

-I will buy the agency if necessary.

She got a little annoying, so she called James without him noticing.

Potter had the key to his apartment, so he let himself in. Pointing his gun at the man.

He didn't need the gun, he knocked it out with his bare hands, and surprisingly, he came out unharmed.


Potter walked behind him.

"Come, next to me," he asked.

He paid attention without even speaking.

The earpiece in his ear carried the voice of Remus, who was a guard. It was an important event in which even the president would be present.

"Adjust my shirt," he asked, stopping in his tracks. He turned to look at him confused, James didn't move a millimeter. "What's wrong?"

"You said no one should touch you," he raised his hands.

Fun river. He grabs him by the straps, pulling him towards him.

"James, you're the only one who can touch me," he whispered against his lips.

and finally kissed him

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