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La detective lo miró a los ojos antes de salir corriendo.

-¿Qué mierda, Holmes?- cuestiona su compañero, al que golpeó James.

-Amos, me vió.

-¿Quién te vió?


-Mierda, nos van a despedir.

-Ese no es el problema, Diggory. No resolví el caso.

-¿La muerte de alguien es menos importante que resolver un caso?

La mirada de la joven adulta decía "Obvio"


-Remus, necesito tu ayuda.

-¿Sí, James?- responde, mientras mira una película y come helado con mostaza.

-Que asco eso- se queja Potter- ¿Helado con mostaza?

-Sí, antojos.

James movió la cabeza, despejándose del asco.

-En fin. Hay una mujer siguiéndome. Creí que me había desecho de ellos cuando golpee a ese hombre.

-¿El de la fiesta?


-Deben trabajar juntos.

-Quiero que me averigües quienes son, por tus contactos.

-¿Y yo que gano?

-Lo que quieras. Igual tu marido es igual de rico como yo porque es mi hermano, así que no creo que pidas algo material.

-Ni a palo desperdicio esto con algo material. Quiero un masaje de pies.

-¿Un masaje de pies?

-Sirius no llega hasta mañana y no puedo ni tocarme los pies.

Había salido con Fremont para una reunión empresarial en otra ciudad.

Por suerte Remus no tenía olor a pata.

-Bien. ¿Vas a ir? Ahora lo necesito.

Remus abre la computadora, y unos diez minutos después la voltea.

-Ella es Holmes, se sabe de sus padres, pero no de su nombre. Se aseguró de dejarlo sellado, Y es muy buena porque es detective como uno de sus padres. Él es Amos Diggory, algo más grande que nosotros, no tanto, iba a nuestra misma escuela.

-¿Y ya?

-Uno es un militar y la otra una detective. ¿Qué esperabas? ¿Saber su tipo de sangre?

James ladea la cabeza, sabe que tiene razón.

-Debo averiguar dónde viven.

-No creo que puedas. Yo ya usé todos mis contactos. Además, James, lastimaste a muchas personas. ¿En verdad te sorprende?

-No me sorprende, quiero que pare.

-Eres guardaespaldas, puedes con esto.

-Sí, pero si le llegan a tocar un solo pelo a Reggie, te juro que les arranco las entrañas con mis propias manos.

Remus lo miró preocupado.

-¿Y qué harás?

-Lo necesario.


The detective looked him in the eyes before running away.

-What the fuck, Holmes? -Questions his partner, who was hit by James.

-Amos, he saw me.

-Who saw you?


-Shit, they're going to fire us.

-That's not the problem, Diggory. I didn't solve the case.

-Is someone's death less important than solving a case?

The young adult's look said "Obviously."


-Remus, I need your help.

"Yes, James?" He answers, while he watches a movie and eats ice cream with mustard.

"How disgusting is that," Potter complains, "Ice cream with mustard?"

-Yes, cravings.

James shook his head, clearing his disgust.

-Anyway. There's a woman following me. I thought I got rid of them when I hit that man.

-The one from the party?


-They must work together.

-I want you to find out who they are, through your contacts.

-And what do I win?

-Whatever you want. Maybe your husband is just as rich as me because he is my brother, so I don't think you're asking for something material.

-I wouldn't waste this with something material. I want a foot massage.

-A foot massage?

-Sirius doesn't arrive until tomorrow and I can't even touch my feet.

He was out with Fremont for a business meeting in another city.

Luckily Remus didn't smell like a paw.

-Good. You're going? Now I need it.

Remus opens the computer, and about ten minutes later turns it over.

-She is Holmes, we know her parents, but not her name. She made sure to leave it sealed, and she's very good because she's a detective like one of her parents. He is Amos Diggory, a little older than us, not so much, he went to our same school.

-And that's it?

-One is a military man and the other is a detective. What did you expect? Know his blood type?

James tilts his head, knowing he's right.

-I have to find out where they live.

-I don't think you can. I already used all my contacts. Besides, James, you hurt a lot of people. Are you really surprised?

-I'm not surprised, I want it to stop.

-You're a bodyguard, you can handle this.

-Yes, but if they touch a single hair of Reggie's hair, I swear I'll tear their insides out with my own hands.

Remus looked at him worried.

-And what will you do?


Bodyguard//JegulusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora