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James ancla su brazo a la cintura de Regulus. 

Decidieron presentarse formalmente en el show de Jimmy Fallon.

Procedieron a sentarse, Regulus lo hizo con algo de dificultad.

Las preguntas comenzaron, James se mantuvo serio, dejando que Regulus responda.

-¿Y él es tan serio siempre?- bromea el conductor.

-¡No! le da vergüenza salir en cámara.

-Y sigo siendo su guardaespaldas- agrega James, hablando por primera vez.

-¿Cuanto llevan de relación?

-Unos meses, ¿no?

James asiente.

No sabía que era tan difícil estar tan expuesto.

No volvió a hablar hasta que salieron fuera del aire.


-James, amor- Llama Regulus tomando su mano- ¿te sientes bien?

-Sí, no puedo creer como te expones tanto.

-No volveré a exponerte, lo prometo- acaricia su mejilla, Potter se sonroja.

-Te amo.

-Te amo, Potter.

-Oye, tengo una idea para una cita, ¿hay algo en tu agenda mañana?

-Creo que no, y si tengo algo, lo cancelaré.


Regulus quedó estático al llegar a un parque de diversiones al día siguiente.

Le tenía miedo a las alturas, pero no dijo nada.

El susto de subirse a una montaña rusa pasó cuando vio a James correr como un niño emocionado con un algodón de azúcar en la mano.

Sonrió enamorado, no entendía como tenía tanta suerte de tenerlo a su lado.

De verlo cada día de su vida, de disfrutar de sus sonrisas.

-¡Mira! ¡Winnie Pooh!- exclama emocionado y corre a abrazar a la botarga del animal amarillo.

Regulus ensancha su sonrisa y les saca una foto.

Rato más tarde James pone un plato de comida delante de él.

-Come, Reggie, vamos.

-No, gracias. Vomitaré en el próximo juego si como eso.

-¿Te dan miedo?

-Tengo pánico a las alturas.

-Cariño, ¿por qué no me lo dijiste?- toma sus manos dejando la hamburguesa de lado- ¡debí  saberlo! lo siento mucho.

-No, amor, no debías saberlo. No lo dije porque no quería arruinar nuestra cita.

-Regulus- James toma sus manos- dios, Reggie. Soy tu novio, puedes decirme lo que sea. Tenemos confianza, vivimos juntos.

-Lo sé, discúlpame.

-No necesitas pedir perdón- besa sus nudillos y sonríe.

-Eres increíble, James.

-Hagamos algo que te gusta, dime ¿donde quieres ir?

-A pasear.

-Bueno, a pasear se ha dicho.


James anchors his arm around Regulus' waist.

They decided to formally appear on the Jimmy Fallon show.

They proceeded to sit down, Regulus doing so with some difficulty.

The questions began, James remained serious, letting Regulus answer.

"And he's always so serious?" the driver jokes.

-No! He is embarrassed to go on camera.

"And I'm still his bodyguard," James adds, speaking for the first time.

-How long have they been in a relationship?

-A few months, right?

James nods.

He didn't know it was so hard to be so exposed.

He didn't speak again until they went off air.


"James, love," Regulus calls, taking his hand, "are you feeling okay?"

-Yes, I can't believe how you expose yourself so much.

"I won't expose you again, I promise," she caresses his cheek, Potter blushes.

-I love you.

-I love you, Potter.

-Hey, I have an idea for a date, is there anything on your agenda tomorrow?

-I don't think so, and if I have something, I'll cancel it.


Regulus froze as he arrived at an amusement park the next day.

He was afraid of heights, but he didn't say anything.

The shock of riding a roller coaster passed when he saw James running around like an excited child with cotton candy in his hand.

He smiled in love, he didn't understand how he was so lucky to have him next to him.

To see him every day of his life, to enjoy his smiles.

-Look! "Winnie the Pooh!" he exclaims excitedly and runs to hug the big yellow animal.

Regulus widens his smile and takes a photo of them.

A while later James places a plate of food in front of him.

-Eat, Reggie, come on.

-No, thanks. I'll throw up next game if I eat that.

-Do they scare you?

-I have a fear of heights.

-Honey, why didn't you tell me? -He takes her hands, leaving the burger aside- I should have known! very sorry.

-No, love, you shouldn't have known. I didn't say it because I didn't want to ruin our date.

-Regulus- James takes his hands-god, Reggie. I'm your boyfriend, you can tell me anything. We trust, we live together.

-I know, excuse me.

"You don't need to apologize," he kisses her knuckles and smiles.

-You are incredible, James.

-Let's do something you like, tell me where do you want to go?

-To walk.

-Well, let's go for a walk, as we said.

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