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-¿James, cariño?- vuelve a llamar Regulus- ¿Estás bien?

-¿Eh? sí, sí.

-Estás perdido. ¿Pasa algo?



-Regulus, confía en mí- pide tomando sus manos y dejando un beso en sus nudillos.

-Confío en tí, James. Pero llevas días raro. ¿Tienes a otra persona?

La cara de James se tornó en una de asco.

-¿Qué? Nunca saldría con alguien más.

-¿Entonces qué pasa?

-Nos están espiando. Constantemente. Trato de averiguar quienes son. Pero no sé ni el nombre ni donde viven.

-¿Por qué? yo no hice nada.

-Remus cree que porque golpee a alguien y seguro es su jefe. Ella es la hija de Sherlock Holmes, investigan cosas pesadas, no un famoso. Es serio esto.

-¿Y qué haremos?

-Yo lo único que quiero es que no te pase nada. Existo para cuidarte.

-Si a ti te pasa algo yo me muero, asi que cuidate tu también.


-Hablo en serio.

Lo miró a los ojos, si hablaba en serio.


Sonrió mirando a la camara, mientras James salía de ahí. Detrás de escena era su lugar, y gracias a dios, odiaba la exposición.

Regulus era muy muy hermoso, no necesitaba ni peinarse para salir lindo.


-Oye amor, ¿Crees que vale la pena seguir con esto?

-Amos, esto es entretenido, y encima nos pagan.


-No te atrevas a decir mi nombre.

-Bien, no sé por qué lo odias, es hermoso.

-No quiero que nadie lo sepa. Podrían matarnos.

-Soy militar, cariño- la abraza por detrás. Parece ser una persona muy fría. La castaña suspira.

El timbre suena y ambos se miran.

-Busca el arma.

-Ve quien es- era básicamente lo que hacían siempre.

La menor abre la puerta.

-Padre- saluda a Sherlock


"James, darling?" Regulus calls again. "Are you okay?"

-Hey? Yes Yes.

-You're lost. Something happens?



"Regulus, trust me," he asks, taking her hands and leaving a kiss on his knuckles.

-I trust you, James. But you've been strange for days. Do you have another person?

James's face turned into one of disgust.

-That? I would never date anyone else.

-So what's up?

-They are spying on us. Constantly. I'm trying to find out who they are. But I don't know their name or where they live.

-Because? I did nothing.

-Remus thinks it's because she hit someone and she's probably his boss. She is the daughter of Sherlock Holmes, they investigate heavy things, not a famous person. This is serious.

-And what are we going to do?

-All I want is for nothing to happen to you. I exist to take care of you.

-If something happens to you, I'll die, so take care of yourself too.


-I'm serious.

She looked him in the eyes, if he was serious.


He smiled, looking at the camera, as James walked out of there. Behind the scenes was his place, and thank god, he hated exposure.

Regulus was very very beautiful, he didn't even need to comb his hair to look cute.


-Hey love, do you think it's worth continuing with this?

-Amos, this is entertaining, and on top of that they pay us.


-Don't you dare say my name.

-Well, I don't know why you hate it, it's beautiful.

-I do not want anyone to know it. They could kill us.

"I'm a soldier, honey," he hugs her from behind. He seems to be a very cold person. The brunette sighs.

The doorbell rings and they both look at each other.

-Look for the weapon.

-See who it is- was basically what they always did.

The minor opens the door.

"Father," she greets Sherlock.

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