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Regulus estaba en una sesión de fotos para una revista. Lo miraba posar en su traje de Wonka. 

Sacó su sombrero y posó la mirada en su guardaespaldas.

-Acá, Regulus- llamó la fotógrafa.

Black sacó su mirada del mayor y volvió a mirar a la camara.


-Bien, a almorzar.

-Cariño- Regulus se trepó a su gran novio, cansado.

-Amor, estás hermoso- dejó un beso en su mejilla y apretó el trasero del pelinegro entre sus manos- Hay que comer, ¿qué quieres?

-Ir al camarín y besarte hasta que se me caigan los labios.

-Amor, estamos en el trabajo.

-Bueno pero no te voy a chupar el pene, voy a besarte.

La chica a su lado lo miró, levantando una ceja.

Regulus le sacó la lengua.

-Amor, debes comer- llamó James, divertido.

-Lleva lo que me gusta- pide.

Potter sirvió un poco de sushi y los dirigió al camarín de Regulus.

Ahí se tiró en el sillón, con Black sobre sus piernas, quien se sentó bien y comió mientras charlaban.

Había momentos en los que él amaba estar todo el día entre los brazos de su hombre y otros al revés, en los que James disfrutaba cada momento del día para recordarle que lo amaba.

-Estoy preocupado- volvió a recalcar James.

-James, me parece una boludez- repitió Peter mientras miraban una película- Eres grande como una puerta, ¿quién se metería contigo? ¿una niña que persigue pistas?

-Yo creo que James tiene razón- opina Remus- son peligrosos y yo también tendría miedo si fuese él.

-Bueno, tenlo, tú eres su cuñado.

-Pero nadie sabe de Sirius.

-¿Una detective no lo sabría?

-Mierda, Peter. Estoy embarazado, no me asustes así.

-¿Quien asusta a mi hombre?- preguntó Sirius sentándose sobre Remus.

Explicaron la situación a Sirius y lo vieron palidecer de a poco.

-No les puede hacer nada, son dos personas.

-Uno es un puto militar, James.

-El problema es conmigo, supongo. O conmigo y Regulus en todo caso. Me encargaré de que estén a salvo.


Regulus was at a photo shoot for a magazine. He watched him pose in his Wonka suit.

He took off his hat and looked at his bodyguard.

"Here, Regulus," the photographer called.

Black took his gaze off the older man and looked back at the camera.


-Okay, let's have lunch.

-Honey- Regulus climbed onto his big boyfriend, tired.

-Love, you are beautiful- she left a kiss on his cheek and squeezed the black-haired man's butt between his hands- We have to eat, what do you want?

-Go to the dressing room and kiss you until my lips fall off.

-Honey, we're at work.

-Okay, but I'm not going to suck your penis, I'm going to kiss you.

The girl next to him looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

Regulus stuck his tongue out at her.

"Honey, you must eat," James called, amused.

"Wear what I like," he asks.

Potter served some sushi and directed them to Regulus' dressing room.

There he threw himself on the couch, with Black on his lap, who sat well and ate while they chatted.

There were times when he loved being in the arms of his man all day and other times the other way around, when James enjoyed every moment of the day to remind him that he loved him.

"I'm worried," James stressed again.

"James, it seems stupid to me," Peter repeated while they were watching a movie, "You're as big as a door, who would mess with you?" A girl chasing clues?

"I think James is right," says Remus, "they are dangerous and I would be afraid too if I were him."

-Well, have it, you are his brother-in-law.

-But no one knows about Sirius.

-A detective wouldn't know?

-Shit, Peter. I'm pregnant, don't scare me like that.

"Who's scaring my man?" Sirius asked, sitting on Remus.

They explained the situation to Sirius and saw him slowly pale.

-You can't do anything to them, they are two people.

-One is a fucking military man, James.

-The problem is with me, I guess. Or with me and Regulus anyway. I will make sure they are safe.

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