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-Desactive la bomba- habló la detective- ya está- Comenzó a seguirlos, simplemente rastreándolos.

Era buena en esto, y nunca fallaba en ningún caso, no por nada su apellido era Holmes.


-Alguien me está siguiendo- susurró James a Remus, después de un rato. Regulus tenía ensayo y James lo había llamado para que lo acompañe. No le daba miedo, pero se sentía solo últimamente.

-¿Quién querría seguirte?

-No lo sé, ¿alguno a los que golpeé?

Remus miró a Regulus, que cantaba en la prueba de sonido, pero su vista se mantenía fija en ellos.


-Regulus Black- se presentó el pelinegro, llegando de la nada.

-Remus Lupin.

-¿Son novios?- preguntó Black.

Remus miró a James, y levantó una ceja.

Potter se mantenía sin mirarlos.

-No, tengo novio. 

-Claro, eres hermoso, ¿cómo no ibas a tener novio?

"eres hermoso" ojalá le dijese eso a él.

-Tu también eres muy bonito.

-¿Estás embarazado?- soltó.

-Sí, voy a tener un bebé.

-¡Ay que lindo! ¿varón?

-Hasta que él decida identificarse diferente, sí.

-Ay, ¿y como se va a llamar?


James se perdió en la conversación de ambos.

Su mirada se centró en Regulus, podía llegar a hacer cualquier cosa por él.

Remus era hermoso, Sirius también, Peter era divino.

Pero Regulus... era diferente, sentía que realmente estaba enamorado.

Y mierda, sí había intentado olvidarlo.

-¡James!- gritó Regulus- debemos irnos- comentó cuando unió su mirada con la de él.

-Sí, lindo- respondió sin darse cuenta de lo que decía.


-Defuse the bomb- the detective spoke- that's it- He began to follow them, simply tracking them.

She was good at this, and she never failed in any case, not for nothing her last name was Holmes.


"Someone is following me," James whispered to Remus, after a while. Regulus had rehearsal and James had called him to accompany him. He didn't scare her, but she felt lonely lately.

-Who would want to follow you?

-I don't know, any of the ones I hit?

Remus glanced at Regulus, who was singing at sound check, but his eyes remained fixed on them.


-Regulus Black- the black-haired man introduced himself, arriving from nowhere.

-Remus Lupin.

"Are they dating?" Black asked.

Remus looked at James, and raised an eyebrow.

Potter remained without looking at them.

-I don't have a boyfriend.

-Of course, you're beautiful, how could you not have a boyfriend?

"You are beautiful" I wish I said that to him.

-You are also very pretty.

-Are you pregnant? -He blurted out.

-Yes, I'm going to have a baby.

-Oh how cute! male?

-Until he decides to identify himself differently, yes.

-Oh, and what is his name going to be?


James got lost in their conversation.

His gaze focused on Regulus, he could do anything for him.

Remus was beautiful, Sirius too, Peter was divine.

But Regulus...was different, he felt like he was really in love.

And shit, he had tried to forget it.

"James!" Regulus shouted, "we must go," she commented when she joined his gaze with hers.

"Yes, nice," he responded without realizing what he was saying.

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