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Ve a James caminar hasta la ducha y lo sigue.

Pero Potter no tiene intención de ser sexualmente activo ahora. Quizá si pasó mucho cuando él estuvo desmayado.

Su novio lo abrazaba, lo acariciaba, sin fines sexuales.

Todo en una bañera llena de agua caliente.

Su temperatura había vuelto a la normalidad. Y ahora tenía calor.

Mucho calor.

James provocaba eso.

No simplemente por ser sexi, verlo tan vulnerable ante sí, la mezcla de emociones se sentía fuerte al ver a James.

-Me asusté mucho- menciona Potter mientras masajea los pies de su novio- te cuidaré más.

-Fue mi culpa, deja de culparte a tí, James. Por favor- pide mirándolo a los ojos.

James lo arrastra a su regazo, aún en la bañera, y lo abraza.

-Te amo, Reg.

-Te amo, James. Lamento haberte hecho pasar por esto.

Potter acaricia la cintura de Black y su novio gime ante el tacto.

-¿Qué pasa?

-Me calentaste demasiado- murmura avergonzado.

James sonríe para después comenzar a masturbarlo.

Regulus termina por sentarse de lleno sobre, ahora, la polla parada de Potter.


Sirius mira  de lejos a sus antiguos padres, justo se los viene a encontrar.

Su madre logra reconocerlo y corre a abrazarlo.

Sirius queda estático.

-¡Hijo! ¿eres tu?

-No, yo no soy su hijo, señora. Usted no me trataba como su hijo.

-Lo siento, Sirius. Te extrañamos. Eras el hijo mayor, por eso queríamos que fueses perfecto.

-¡Nadie es perfecto!

-Bueno, te sirvió de aprendizaje- habla Orión.

-No quería aprender. Quería que mis padres me amen.

-Te amamos, por eso te exigíamos.

-¿Saben qué? no vuelvan a hablarm- la voz de Sirius se sobrepone con la de su esposo.

-Amor, Teddy quiere un autit- queda en silencio al ver a gente desconocida ante sus ojos. El niño pelinegro está sobre sus brazos, también confundido.

Sirius camina lentamente hacia atrás, quiere ir con su familia, su verdadera familia. Su hijo y su esposo.

-¡Tienes un hijo!

-Remus alejate- pide Sirius.

Pero Remus no dejará que nadie se acerque a su bebé. Ni que dañen a su esposo.

-¿Quienes son?

-Sus padres.

-Oh, ¿todavía no murieron?

La pregunta los deja descolocados, eso le da tiempo a Sirius de arrastrar a su esposo y a su hijo lejos.

-Bien, ¿que quiere Teddy?

-Sirius, amor- llama preocupado- ¿estás bien?

-Sí, sí.

-Sirius, estás llorando- El mayor se abraza fuertemente a su esposo y llora. Ya están lejos de su padre y madre -Todo estará bien, lo prometo. Estás bien, estamos bien. Te amamos ¿si?

-Sí- responde mientras asiente.


He sees James walk to the shower and follows him.

But Potter has no intention of being sexually active now. Maybe a lot happened when he was passed out.

His boyfriend hugged him, caressed him, without sexual purposes.

All in a bathtub full of hot water.

His temperature had returned to normal. And now he was hot.

Very hot.

James caused that.

Not simply because he was sexy, seeing him so vulnerable before him, the mix of emotions felt strong when seeing James.

"I was very scared," Potter mentions while he massages his boyfriend's feet, "I'll take better care of you."

-It was my fault, stop blaming yourself, James. "Please," she asks, looking into his eyes.

James drags him into his lap, still in the bathtub, and hugs him.

-I love you, Reg.

-I love you James. I'm sorry for putting you through this.

Potter caresses Black's waist and his boyfriend moans at the touch.

-What's happening?

"You turned me on too much," he murmurs embarrassed.

James smiles and then begins to masturbate him.

Regulus ends up sitting squarely on Potter's now standing cock.


Sirius looks from afar at his former parents, he is just coming to meet them.

His mother manages to recognize him and runs to hug him.

Sirius remains static.

-Son! it's you?

-No, I am not your son, ma'am. You didn't treat me like your son.

-I'm sorry, Sirius. We miss you. You were the oldest son, that's why we wanted you to be perfect.

-Nobody is perfect!

-Well, it was a learning experience for you- Orion speaks.

-I didn't want to learn. I wanted my parents to love me.

-We love you, that's why we demanded you.

-You know what? "Don't talk again," Sirius's voice overlaps that of her husband.

"Love, Teddy wants an autit," she remains silent as she sees unknown people before his eyes. The black-haired boy is on his arms, also confused.

Sirius slowly walks back, he wants to go to his family, his real family. His son and his husband.

-You have a son!

"Remus, stay away," Sirius asks.

But Remus won't let anyone near his baby. Nor do they harm her husband.

-Who are they?

-His parents.

-Oh, they haven't died yet?

The question leaves them confused, which gives Sirius time to drag her husband and her son away.

-Well, what does Teddy want?

"Sirius, love," he calls worriedly, "are you okay?"

-Yes Yes.

-Sirius, you're crying- The oldest hugs her husband tightly and cries. They are already far from their father and mother -Everything will be fine, I promise. You're fine, we're fine. We love you, yes?

"Yes," he answers while nodding.

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