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-James- llama Regulus- ¿me pasas los pañales?

Teddy estaba a cargo de ambos. Remus estaba en sus días y necesitaban revocarse un rato.

Pero James y Regulus debían seguir con su agenda.

Así que ahora estaban por salir a una alfombra roja.


Los fans gritaron al verlos juntos, Teddy iba en brazos de Regulus y James caminaba a su lado, era una imagen muy poderosa.

Regulus llevaba un saco y pantalón  haciendo alusión a su personaje Willy Wonka, lleno de diamantes, y James su típico traje total black, el auricular en su oído, lentes oscuros y expresión fría.

Teddy iba vestido acorde a su edad. 

El pequeño pasó a brazos de su tío Potter cuando Regulus se posicionó frente a la camara.

-Hola, Regulus. Estás muy lindo hoy.

-Muchas gracias, buenas tardes.

-¿Cómo se sintió interpretar al chocolatero más grande de todos los tiempos?

-Increíble, la mejor parte fue el chocolate.

-¿Era real?

-¡Sí! Estuve muchas veces con un ataque terrible al hígado.

-Vimos también que llegaste con tu novio.


-¿Cómo es salir con tu guardaespaldas?

-Es una gran persona realmente. Me encanta.

-¿Y el bebé? ¿es de ustedes?

-No, es mi sobrino.

-¿Te gustan los niños?

-¡Me encantan! 


-Qué incómodas esas entrevistas- habla James en su oído.

-Siempre son así. Pero no tengo nada que ocultar, así que...

Teddy comenzó a llorar mientras entraban al evento. Regulus lo tomó, logrando calmarlo.

-Eres muy bueno en esto, Reggie.

Regulus sonríe mientras baja la mirada, sonrojado.


"James," Regulus calls, "can you hand me the diapers?"

Teddy was in charge of both of them. Remus was in his days and they needed to rest for a while.

But James and Regulus had to continue with their agenda.

So now they were about to go out on a red carpet.


The fans screamed when they saw them together, Teddy was in Regulus's arms and James was walking next to him, it was a very powerful image.

Regulus was wearing a jacket and pants alluding to his Willy Wonka character, full of diamonds, and James was wearing his typical total black suit, the earpiece in his ear, dark glasses and a cold expression.

Teddy was dressed according to his age.

The little boy passed into his Uncle Potter's arms when Regulus positioned himself in front of the camera.

-Hello, Regulus. You look very pretty today.

-Thank you very much good afternoon.

-How did it feel to play the greatest chocolatier of all time?

-Incredible, the best part was the chocolate.

-It was real?

-Yeah! I had a terrible liver attack many times.

-We also saw that you arrived with your boyfriend.


-What is it like going out with your bodyguard?

-He is a really great person. I love it.

-And the baby? is it yours?

-No, he is my nephew.

-You like children?

-I love them!


-How uncomfortable those interviews are- James speaks in his ear.

-They are always like that. But I have nothing to hide, so...

Teddy started crying as they walked into the event. Regulus took it, managing to calm it down.

-You're very good at this, Reggie.

Regulus smiles as he looks down, blushing.

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