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-Cariño, lo siento, sé que eres el macho alfa de la relación, pero debo sacarnos esta preocupación.

-Regulus, soy guardaespaldas, YO debería poder con esto.

-James, dejame resolverlo. Quiero que te calmes.

-Yo lo resolveré- dicho esto se va.


James tomó por el cuello a la chica.

-Dime quien eres.

-Holmes- contesta la detective.

-¿Qué quieres de mi? 

-Quiero descubrir cómo es que eres tan sangre fría.

-¿De qué hablas?

-Heriste a mi cliente, no solo lo heriste hasta desmayarlo, sino que, estuvo hospitalizado hasta que murió tres días después. Su familia quiere venganza. 

James se quedó estático.

-Te pagaré lo que necesites para cubrirme.

-Solo quiero resolver el caso.

-¿Que quieres?

-Quiero saber que es lo que impulsa a un loco como tú.

-Escuchame, niña.

-Señorita Holmes.

-Señorita Holmes, yo solo cuido lo mío. Lo que amo. A mi novio y a mi familia. Si tienes algún problema con eso podemos discutirlo- apretó más fuerte su cuello.

La castaña sonrió, su sonrisa la había heredado de su padre, fría y cínica.

-Suélteme, ahora- exigió. Su tono de voz simple, neutro y vacío lo orilló a hacerle caso.

Como si estuviese hablando del clima y no casi asfixiándose.

Ella era más sádica que él.

-Deja de molestarnos.


Diggory vió llegar a su prometida con el cuello marcado.

-¿Qué pasó?

-Potter  casi  me asfixia- tose tomando un vaso de agua.

Diggory tomó el arma de la mesa y se dirigió a la puerta.

La chica lo detuvo tomándolo del brazo.

-Esto es mi culpa, no vayas a hacer una locura.

-Dejarás de hacer esto- exige.

Una discusión comenzó porque Amos solo quería que su prometida esté a salvo y ella amaba la adrenalina y el riesgo.

La misma pelea que tenían los padres de la castaña usualmente.


-Honey, I'm sorry, I know you are the alpha male in the relationship, but I have to take this worry away from us.

-Regulus, I'm a bodyguard, I should be able to handle this.

-James, let me figure it out. I want you to calm down.

-I'll solve it- with that said he leaves.


James grabbed the girl by the neck.

-Tell me who you are.

-Holmes- answers the detective.

-What do you want of me?

-I want to find out how you are so cold-blooded.

-What are you taking about?

-You hurt my client, not only did you hurt him until he passed out, but he was hospitalized until he died three days later. His family wants revenge.

James stood still.

-I will pay you whatever you need to cover me.

-I just want to solve the case.

-What do you want?

-I want to know what drives a crazy person like you.

-Listen to me, girl.

-Miss Holmes.

-Miss Holmes, I only take care of myself. What I love. To my boyfriend and my family. "If you have a problem with that, we can discuss it." He squeezed her neck harder.

The brunette smiled, her smile had been inherited from her father, cold and cynical.

"Let go of me, now," she demanded. His simple, neutral and empty tone of voice forced him to listen to him.

As if he were talking about the weather and not nearly suffocating.

She was more sadistic than him.

-Stop bothering us.


Diggory saw his fiancée arrive with her neck marked.

-What happened?

"Potter almost choked me," he coughs, drinking a glass of water.

Diggory grabbed the gun from the table and headed for the door.

The girl stopped him by taking his arm.

-This is my fault, don't go doing something crazy.

"Will you stop doing this," she demands.

An argument started because Amos just wanted his fiancée to be safe and she loved the adrenaline and risk.

The same fight that the brunette's parents usually had.

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