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Regulus llevaba una de sus remeras, que le quedaba considerablemente enorme. Y seguía manteniendo su pantalón negro, aunque él preferiría que fuese una falda o short, para poder ver sus hermosas piernas.

-Buenos días- saludó sentándose junto a Black.

-James, tienes baba ahí- señaló Remus.

-Ah, perdón. Y tu tienes un esposo ahí- señaló el sillón.

-Le cuesta despertarse, pobrecito, mi amor- sonrió Lupin, enamorado.

James hizo una mueca de asco, comenzando a comer su cereal.

-¿Como descansaste?- pregunta su madre, sirviéndole un café.

-Bien, en realidad hace tiempo que no duermo tan bien- respondió.

En la noche se había pasado sin siquiera darse cuenta a su cama. Se solía quedar dormido siempre en el sillón, así que su cerebro lo guiaba incluso dormido, a su cuarto.

Le pasaba de pequeño, de adolescente y hasta el día de hoy.

-James es sonámbulo cada tanto- explica Fleamont- Lo bueno es que no va más lejos que el sillón o su cama.

-Solía quedarse dormido en el sillón y después subía sin darse cuenta.

-Me sigue pasando.

Regulus no supo que responder ante eso.

-Iremos al campo hoy- soltó la madre de James después de una conversación trivial-Están más que invitados.

-Mamá, ya le quitaste mucho tiempo a Regulus, no lo comprometas.

-Me encantaría, en realidad. Solo si quieres.

-Me haría muy feliz- admite.

Este no es "James su guardaespaldas Potter" es un chico tierno, calentito, que se acaba de levantar y tiene las palabras en la punta de la lengua. Sin miedo a hablar.

Sonríe mirándolo, los Potter y Remus se miran entre sí.

-¿Por qué tanto silencio, familia?- cuestiona Sirius, apareciendo de la nada.


Regulus was wearing one of his t-shirts, which was considerably oversized on him. And he still kept his black pants, although he would prefer it to be a skirt or shorts, so he could see his beautiful legs.

"Good morning," he greeted, sitting next to Black.

"James, you have slime there," Remus pointed out.

-Oh, sorry. "And you have a husband there," she pointed to the chair.

"It's hard for him to wake up, poor thing, my love," Lupine smiled, in love.

James made a disgusted face, starting to eat his cereal.

"How did you rest?" His mother asks, serving him a coffee.

"Well, actually, I haven't slept this well in a while," she replied.

At night he had moved into his bed without even realizing it. He always used to fall asleep on the couch, so his brain guided him, even while asleep, to his room.

It happened to him as a child, as a teenager and to this day.

"James sleepwalks from time to time," explains Fleamont. "The good thing is that he doesn't go any further than his couch or bed."

He-he used to fall asleep on the couch and then go upstairs without realizing it.

-It keeps happening to me.

Regulus didn't know what to respond to that.

"We're going to the countryside today," James's mother said after a trivial conversation. "They're more than invited."

-Mom, you've already taken up a lot of Regulus's time, don't compromise him.

-I would love to, actually. Only if you want.

"It would make me very happy," she admits.

This is not "James, Potter's bodyguard", he is a tender, warm boy who has just woken up and has the words on the tip of his tongue. Without fear of speaking.

He smiles looking at him, the Potters and Remus look at each other.

"Why so quiet, family?" Sirius questions, appearing out of nowhere.

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