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-¿Cuando pasaste de decirme señor a Reggie?

-¿Por qué no? Dijiste muchas veces que deje de decirte señor.

-Odio ese apodo.

-A partir de hoy te va a gustar- sonrió Potter, parándose de la silla- ¿algún otro prostituto que hayas llamado?

-Basta, Potter.

-¿Alguna vez te dieron que sos muy sexi?

Regulus se tiñó de un rojo potente, como la corbata de James.

Potter se mantuvo parado, sin perder la compostura, más que la sangre entre sus dedos y en su nariz.

A Regulus le parecía extremadamente sexi.

Realmente lo cuidaba, más de lo que debería.

Potter parecía haber perdido la cabeza,

por él.


James empujó fuertemente a Sirius.

-¿Qué mierda?

-¡Regulus es genial!- Sirius bromeaba con que Regulus hacía playback. Que si lo hacía, él muy bien lo sabía.

-¡James!- Remus intenta separarlos, peor Potter no hace caso y lo empuja sin querer.

Lupin cae al piso, agarrándose el abdomen.

-¡Amor!- exclama Sirius, alejándose de James para tirarse al lado de su novio.

-Bah, no es para tanto.

-¡ESTOY EMBARAZADO, JAMES!- grita Remus, enojado.

Potter queda en silencio.

-Pero... no me dijeron.

-¡Porque estás loco, James! Golpeaste a tu hermano- responde Peter, que estaba en el baño, pero había escuchado todo esto.

Sirius se llevó a Remus al hospital, para verificar que todo estaba bien.

-Llego a perder a mi hijo por tí, y mueres tú y tu bendito Regulus- amenaza Sirius antes de irse.


-When did you go from calling me sir to Reggie?

-Why not? You said many times that I stopped calling you sir.

-I hate that nickname.

"From today on you're going to like it," Potter smiled, standing up from the chair, "any other prostitutes you've called?"

-Enough, Potter.

-Have you ever thought that you are very sexy?

Regulus dyed himself a bright red, like James's tie.

Potter remained standing, not losing his composure, except for the blood between his fingers and in his nose.

Regulus found her extremely sexy.

He really cared for him, more than he should.

Potter seemed to have lost his mind,

for him.


James pushed Sirius hard.

-What the fuck?

-Regulus is great!- Sirius joked that Regulus was playing back. That if he did it, he very well knew it.

-James!- Remus tries to separate them, but Potter ignores him and accidentally pushes him.

Lupine falls to the floor, clutching his abdomen.

"Love!" Sirius exclaims, moving away from James to throw himself next to his boyfriend.

-Bah, it's not that big of a deal.

"I'M PREGNANT, JAMES!" Remus shouts, angry.

Potter remains silent.

-But... they didn't tell me.

-Because you're crazy, James! "You hit your brother," replies Peter, who was in the bathroom, but he had heard all this.

Sirius took Remus to the hospital, to check that everything was okay.

"I lose my son to you, and you and your blessed Regulus die," Sirius threatens before leaving.

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