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Tres días después, James se apareció en la casa de Pandora, donde Regulus se estaba quedando.

La rubia recién llegaba de un viaje de negocios, y se volvió antes, preocupada por Regulus.

Retó durante una hora seguida a su hermano, Barty y Dorcas por no haber estado ahí para Regulus.

-¡James, hola!

-Pando, ¿qué tal?- se conocían por Lily, a James le divertía mucho la rubia y sus ocurrencias y Pandora creía que Potter era genial.

-Bien, ¿vienes por Regulus?

-Sí, pero que descanse si está durmiendo, lo necesita.

-Está comiendo helado mientras ve Chestnut.

-La película más triste de la vida.

-A propósito, gracias por haberlo cuidado, significó mucho para él.

-Es mi tr-

-No es tu trabajo. No es tu trabajo quedarte dos días en el hospital sin irte ni un segundo por tu jefe, James.

-Bueno, no sé que decirte. Haría eso por mucha gente.

-Se que eres una gran persona, Remus siempre habla de eso.

-Gracias, Pandora.

Al llegar al living escucharon llanto, el llanto de Regulus.

-¡OLVIDÓ SU ZAPATO!- chilló Regulus, llorando a mares.

-Es algo... sensible.

-¡Olvidó su zapato, Pandora!- exclamó James mientras se le llenaban los ojos de lágrimas.

Regulus corrió a sus brazos al escucharlo, refugiándose en ellos.

Escucharlo nuevamente era sentir paz. Y saber que tenía inteligencia emocional, o ningún problema para demostrar sus sentimientos... lo movilizaba.


Three days later, James appeared at Pandora's house, where Regulus was staying.

The blonde had just arrived from a business trip, and she turned around earlier, worried about Regulus.

She scolded her brother, Barty, and Dorcas for not being there for Regulus for an hour straight.

-James, hello!

-Pando, how are you? -They knew each other because of Lily, James was very amused by the blonde and her witticisms and Pandora thought Potter was great.

-Well, are you coming for Regulus?

-Yes, but let him rest if he is sleeping, he needs it.

-He is eating ice cream while he watches Chestnut.

-The saddest movie in life.

-By the way, thank you for taking care of him, it meant a lot to him.

-It's my job-

-It's not your job.  It's not your job to stay in the hospital for two days without leaving for a second because of your boss, James.

-Well I do not know what to say to you.  I would do that for a lot of people.

-I know you're a great person, Remus always talks about that.

-Thank you, Pandora.

When they arrived at the living room they heard crying, Regulus's crying.

"HE FORGOT HIS SHOE!" Regulus screamed, crying his eyes out.

-It's something... sensitive.

"She forgot his shoe, Pandora!" James exclaimed as his eyes filled with tears.

Regulus ran into his arms upon hearing it, taking refuge in them.

To hear it again was to feel peace.  And knowing that he had emotional intelligence, or no problem showing his feelings... mobilized him.

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