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-Alejate, niña- habló serio James, la adolescente de unos 17 años había tocado a Regulus, más bien lo había nalgueado.

-¡Regulus!- gritó desesperada, en la entrada del hotel.

-¿Tu madre?

-Hija, ven- llamó una mujer llegando.

Ese día la adolescente se llevó una cachetada de su madre y un castigo muy largo.

James se tuvo que morder la lengua para no golpearla.

No tenía permitido golpear a menores de 18.


Sirius miró a su mejor amigo. Estaba... cambiado. El divertido James no se encontraba entre ellos.

Sus nudillos solían estar rotos siempre, y ahora solo se mantenía serio.

-Amor, escúchame- la voz de Sirius lo sacó de sus recuerdos. Mentiría si no dijese que había matado a algun pervertido que se acercaba a Regulus. A golpes. Su furia se desataba ahí.

-Dime, cariño- respondió.

A Remus le parecía divertido los apodos que se daban.

-Debes dejar el trabajo.

-¿Qué? ¡no! ni loco.

-James, ya te estás volviendo loco- acotó Remus.

-Sí, James, tu... ya ni sonries.

James sonrió forzadamente.

-¿Que quieren que sea un payaso?

-Abre los ojos, James. Los celos te están comiendo.

-¿Celos? ¿de qué? yo solo hago mi trabajo.

-Vienes todos los días con los nudillos rotos. Y no me sorprendería, ahora mismo, que hayas matado a alguien.

-Se le acercan... Mucha gente, son tantos que me abruma, lo entiendo, mierda, Regulus está siempre expuesto, siempre rodeado de gente, es tan abrumador, tantas personas. Solo intento que él no se vuelva a desmayar, que no le pase nada más.

Remus y Sirius se miraron, antes de soltar un suspiro.

Era obvio que estaba enamorado.


"Stay away, girl," James spoke seriously, the teenager of about 17 years old had touched Regulus, rather she had spanked him.

-Regulus!-She shouted desperately, at the entrance of the hotel.

-Your mother?

"Daughter, come," called a woman arriving.

That day the teenager received a slap from her mother and a very long punishment.

James had to bite his tongue to keep from hitting her.

She was not allowed to hit anyone under 18.


Sirius looked at his best friend.  He was... changed.  The amusing James was not among them.

His knuckles used to always be broken, and now he just kept a straight face.

"Love, listen to me," Sirius's voice brought him out of his memories.  He would be lying if he didn't say that he had killed some pervert who was getting close to Regulus.  With blows.  His fury was unleashed there.

"Tell me, darling," he replied.

Remus found the nicknames they gave each other amusing.

-You must leave work.

-That?  No!  no way.

"James, you're already going crazy," Remus said.

-Yes, James, you... you don't even smile anymore.

James forced a smile.

-What do you want me to be a clown?

-Open your eyes, James.  Jealousy is eating you.

-Jealousy?  about what?  I just do my job.

-You come every day with broken knuckles.  And I wouldn't be surprised, right now, if you killed someone.

-They approach him... A lot of people, there are so many that it overwhelms me, I understand it, shit, Regulus is always exposed, always surrounded by people, he is so overwhelming, so many people.  I'm just trying to make sure he doesn't faint again, that nothing else happens to him.

Remus and Sirius looked at each other, before letting out a sigh.

It was obvious that he was in love.

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