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-Regulus, ¿te sientes bien?- llama James.

Black parece muy pálido.

James conoce sus ataques de pánico.

Y se dan más frecuente en las alfombras rojas, también sabe que tiene anemia.

Lo ve caer en cámara lenta y corre a agarrarlo. Lo lleva al equipo médico de ahí.

-Estoy bien- insiste Regulus.

-Vamos al médico, por favor- pide James muy preocupado.

-Iremos después de la alfombra, no puedo no estar acá.


-Ya hablé, James.

-Bien, pero me quedaré cerca.

Tan cerca como para no despegarse de él. 

Su brazo se ancla a la cintura de Regulus y no lo deja más.

Solo cuando los fotógrafos se lo exigen y su novio parece estar de acuerdo.


-Eres un exagerado, esto es normal- insite Regulus.

-Normal es no desmayarse cada dos segundos, Regulus.

-No me digas Regulus, decime amor, cariño ¿ya no me amas?

-Te amo mucho Reg, por eso me preocupo por tí. ¿Con quién me casaré si te pasa algo?

-Con cualquier persona más, eres hermoso.

-Si a ti te pasa algo yo me muero. No podría casarme con nadie más.



-¿Motivo de consulta?

-Se desmaya frecuentemente.

-Tengo anemia, es normal.

-¿No tenía medicamentos para eso?

-Sí, doctor pero seguro esa dosis ya no me sirve.

-Veo que tiene ataques de pánico, ¿está más relajado últimamente?

-Le juro que lo intento. Pero es casi imposible.

-Debería tomarse unas vacaciones.

-Lo sé.

-Bien, volveremos a hacer estudios de sangre. Avanzados para ver todo.

-El dinero no es problema, solo curelo. Por favor- pide James.


-¿Esto es posible?

-Sí lo es. Con su historial lo es, doctora Brown.

-Wow. Bien- ambos entran a la habitación y miran a la pareja.

-¿Qué sucede, doctor?

-La anemia se puede controlar, pero debemos tener cuidado. 

-¿Por qué?

-Porque está embarazado, señor Black


"Regulus, are you feeling okay?" James calls.

Black looks very pale.

James knows about his panic attacks.

And they occur more frequently on red carpets, he also knows that he has anemia.

He sees it fall in slow motion and runs to catch it. He takes him to the medical team there.

"I'm fine," Regulus insists.

"Let's go to the doctor, please," James asks, very worried.

-We'll go after the carpet, I can't not be here.


-I already spoke, James.

-Fine, but I'll stay close.

So close that you can't get away from it.

His arm anchors itself around Regulus's waist and doesn't let him go anymore.

Only when the photographers demand it and his boyfriend seems to agree.


"You're exaggerating, this is normal," Regulus insisted.

-Normal is not to faint every two seconds, Regulus.

-Don't call me Regulus, call me love, darling, don't you love me anymore?

-I love you very much Reg, that's why I worry about you. Who will I marry if something happens to you?

-With anyone else, you are beautiful.

-If something happens to you, I'll die. I couldn't marry anyone else.



-Reason for consultation?

-He faints frequently.

-I have anemia, it is normal.

-Didn't you have medication for that?

-Yes, doctor, but surely that dose no longer works for me.

-I see you have panic attacks, are you more relaxed lately?

-I swear I try. But it's almost impossible.

-You should take a vacation.

-I know.

-Well, we will do blood studies again. Advanced to see everything.

-Money is no problem, just take care of it. Please- asks James.


-This is possible?

-Yes it is. With his history it is, Dr. Brown.

-Wow. Good- they both enter the room and look at the couple.

-What's wrong, doctor?

-Anemia can be controlled, but we must be careful.


-Because he is pregnant, Mr. Black.

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