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-¿Sí?- preguntó volteando.

-5 minutos para salir.

Por lo que pudo entender James era una entrevista.

Evan le entregó un auricular. Ahora mismo era un guardaespaldas completo.

Regulus se sentía cómodo en el silencio abrumador del alto y lindo guardaespaldas.

A pesar de haberse criado en una familia conservadora, él era diferente. Y la verdad James Potter se veía como alguien muy extrovertido.

Lo reconocía al verlo. Era muy observador.

-No muerdo eh- bromeó- me puedes hablar- pensó por un momento- aunque muerdo a veces- sonrió divertido.

Pero James ni siquiera lo miró. No se inmutó.

Vió como lo agarró de la cintura.

-Tenga cuidado, señor Black- la pared frente a él lo asustó. Iba caminando tan rápido y sin ver adelante que estaba seguro que se quedaría inconsciente si golpeaba contra ella.

-Gracias- respondió, con el corazón acelerado.


-Estamos acá con Regulus Black, nuestro Willy Wonka. ¿Qué se siente- dejó de escuchar la entrevista. Miraba fijamente a Regulus, a los lados y a Regulus.

"Estate alerto" alguien habló por su auricular "las fans pueden ser muy locas"

"Parece que lo aman"

"Llegaron a arrancarle la ropa y tirarle cosas"

-De hecho, ya casi lanzo mi primer sencillo- la voz de Regulus era hermosa.

Igual que él.


-¡James! ¿Cómo te fue?

-Bien, supongo.

-¿Por qué tan cabizbajo?- apoyó su cabeza Sirius en su hombro.

-Mi jefe es hermoso.

-¿ES NIALL HORAN?- gritó emocionado.

-Auch, me dejas sordo. Tarado.

-¿Es o no?

-No, es un tal Regulus Black.

-Ah, mi hermano.

-¿Black es tu hermano?

-Sí, ¿recuerdas que escapé de mi casa cuando era niño?


-No era precisamente el favorito. Y mis padres son realmente una mierda.

-¿Qué hiciste?- cuestionó Remus.

-Lo cuidé. Como el gran guardaespaldas que soy- sonrió ampliamente, orgulloso de sí mismo.

-A ver, lo quiero ver.


-Debe ser hermoso, es tu hermano.

-¿No lo conoces? Es famoso.

-No, pero conozco a Sirius.

-No somos nada parecidos- comió un pedazo de pan mientas hablaba con la boca llena.

Ambos lo miraron con asco por eso.

-Cierto, no son tan parecidos.

-Solo lo dices para no admitir que te gusta mi novio.

-Que asco, Remus. Somos hermanos. Nos criamos juntos.

-¿Entonces si te juntas con Regulus no sería como salir con un hermano?-cuestionó Peter.


-Yes? - He asked turning around.

-5 minutes to leave.

From what she could understand James it was an interview.

Evan handed him an earpiece.  Right now he was a full bodyguard.

Regulus felt comfortable in the overwhelming silence of the tall, pretty bodyguard.

Despite growing up in a conservative family, he was different.  And the truth is, James Potter seemed like someone very outgoing.

She recognized him when she saw him.  He was very observant.

"I don't bite, huh," he joked, "you can talk to me," he thought for a moment, "although I bite sometimes," he smiled, amused.

But James didn't even look at him.  He didn't flinch.

He watched as he grabbed him by the waist.

"Be careful, Mr. Black," the wall in front of him scared him.  He was walking so fast and without looking ahead that he was sure he would be knocked unconscious if he hit her.

"Thank you," he responded, his heart racing.


-We are here with Regulus Black, our Willy Wonka.  How does he feel? He stopped listening to the interview.  He stared at Regulus, to the sides, and at Regulus.

"Be alert," someone spoke into his earpiece, "the fans can be very crazy."

"They seem to love him"

"They even ripped off his clothes and threw things at him."

-In fact, I'm almost releasing my first single- Regulus's voice was beautiful.

Same as him.


-James!  How did he do for you?

-Fine, I guess.

"Why are you so crestfallen?" Sirius rested his head on his shoulder.

-My boss is beautiful.

"IS IT NIALL HORAN?" He shouted excitedly.

-Ouch, you make me deaf.  Stupid.

-Not that?

-No, he is a certain Regulus Black.

-Ah, my brother.

-Is Black your brother?

-Yes, do you remember that I ran away from home when I was a child?


-He wasn't exactly the favorite.  And my parents are really shit.

"What did you do?" Remus questioned.

-I took care of him.  "Like the great bodyguard that I am," he smiled widely, proud of himself.

-Let's see, I want to see it.


-He must be beautiful, he is your brother.

-You don't know him?  He is famous.

-No, but I know Sirius.

-We are nothing alike- she ate a piece of bread while he spoke with his mouth full.

They both looked at him with disgust for that.

-True, they are not that similar.

-You only say it so you don't admit that you like my boyfriend.

-Disgusting, Remus.  We are brothers.  We grew up together.

"So if you get together with Regulus it wouldn't be like dating a brother?" Peter questioned.

Bodyguard//JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now