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James se abraza al cuerpo helado de Regulus.

Bueno, remontemos al pasado...

En el diciembre más frío del año.

-Mira, esta congelado- James se voltea, sin entender.

Pero Regulus ya está pisando el lago congelado.

Justo pisó en una zona donde era más finito y se rompe, cayendo al lago helado.

Ojalá no hubiesen ido a pasear al parque.

Corrió al hospital y ahora se encontraba abrazandolo.

Supuestamente la hipotermia había disminuido pero James sentía el cuerpo de su novio muy helado.

-Reggie- llama entre llanto- reg, porfis- acaricia su cara. 

Al día siguiente le dan el alta, porque ya no está en riesgo y es una época donde solo toman urgencias.

Pero Regulus no despierta. Y James lo siente frío todavía.

"Manténgalo caliente"

James mira a Regulus acostado y decide quitarse la ropa y quitarle la ropa a él. Además de la calefacción y las mantas, ahora tenía el calor humano de James.

Y James era una persona muy caliente, en todos los sentidos.

Regulus solía tener las manos frías siempre.

No, no lo tocó. ¿Cómo lo tocaría si está desmayado/dormido? Está sin conciencia. No interesa que sea su novio.

Solo dejó la ropa interior de ambos y solo lo abrazó.


-James- gime incómodo Regulus- eres muy pesado- se queja.

Potter abre los ojos de golpe y sonríe emocionado.

-¡Reggie! Dios me asustaste, ¡estás bien!

-Sí, estás todo sudado, que asco.

James sonrió apoyando su peso sobre sus manos (en la cama) , mientras Regulus seguía debajo de él.

La cadenita con la estrella Regulus: la estrella más brillante de la constelación Leo.

Black se mordió el labio, sabía que su novio era sexi, pero no tanto.

Estaba todo sudado, sus brazos musculosos, su pecho, su abdomen marcado, su frente.

El pelo con rulos se pegaba a su frente sudada.

-Fuck- gime mirándolo, extasiado.


James hugs Regulus's frozen body.

Well, let's go back in time...

In the coldest December of the year.

-Look, it's frozen- James turns around, not understanding.

But Regulus is already stepping on the frozen lake.

He just stepped on an area where he was thinner and breaks, falling into the frozen lake.

I wish they hadn't gone for a walk in the park.

He ran to the hospital and was now hugging him.

Supposedly the hypothermia had subsided but James felt his boyfriend's body was very cold.

"Reggie," she calls between tears, "reg, please," she caresses his face.

The next day they discharge him, because he is no longer at risk and it is a time when they only take emergencies.

But Regulus doesn't wake up. And James still feels cold.

"Keep it warm"

James looks at Regulus lying down and decides to take off his clothes and take his clothes off. In addition to the heater and the blankets, she now had James' human warmth.

And James was a very hot person, in every way.

Regulus always used to have cold hands.

No, he didn't touch it. How would you touch him if he is passed out/asleep? He is without consciousness. He doesn't care that she is his boyfriend.

He just left both of their underwear and just hugged him.


"James," Regulus moans uncomfortably, "you're too heavy," he complains.

Potter's eyes snap open and he smiles excitedly.

-Reggie! God you scared me, you're okay!

-Yes, you're all sweaty, how disgusting.

James smiled, resting his weight on his hands (on the bed), while Regulus was still under him.

The chain with the star Regulus: the brightest star in the Leo constellation.

Black bit his lip, he knew his boyfriend was sexy, but not that sexy.

He was all sweaty, his muscular arms, his chest, his marked abdomen, his forehead.

His curly hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.

"Fuck," he moans, looking at him, ecstatic.

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