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-¿Te tatuaste con él y no se acostaron todavía?

-No todo es sexo, Pando.

La rubia levanta una ceja.

-Pero estás enamorado.

Regulus suspira, enamorado.

Sus ojos se llenaron de lágrimas, emocionado.

-Me encanta, Dora. Él es genial. Me cuida siempre.

-Bueno, es su trabajo.

-¡Pandora! Tu sales con tu guardaespaldas.

-Bueno, sí. Pero es Lily.

-Hola amor- saluda James besando sus labios- ¿Que hacen?

-Subimos una montaña, James.

-Epa, ¿qué son esas contestaciones?

Regulus se va a buscar algo para comer en la cocina.

-¿Que le pasa?- cuestiona James arreglándose la corbata.

-Le falta sexo.

James se queda petrificado, mientras ve a la rubia contestar el celular.

-¿Y Pando?- cuestiona Regulus 

James señala a la rubia en el living.

-Amor- habla anclando sus brazos a su cintura- ¿Qué pasa?

-Estoy en mis días. Me cansa, James- se queja hundiendo su cabeza en el pecho de su novio.

-Sabes que puedes pedirme lo que quieras ¿no?

-Sí, ¿por qué lo dices?

-No, por nada.

Regulus  frunció el ceño, para después ir a buscar la merienda con James a la cocina.

Vivían una vida como de matrimonio.


-¿Qué le dijiste a James?- cuestiona Black mirando a Pandora. En este momento estaban en un centro comercial

James dejó de escuchar ahí. Su vista se enfocó en una castaña con saco marroncito.

Corrió hacia ella, quedándose tranquilo porque Lily estaba con su chico.

-¿Quién eres?


-You got a tattoo with him and you haven't slept yet?

-Not everything is sex, Pando.

The blonde raises an eyebrow.

-But you are in love.

Regulus sighs, enamored.

His eyes filled with tears, excited.

-I love it, Dora. He is great. He always takes care of me.

-Well, it's his job.

-Pandora! You go out with your bodyguard.

-Okay, yes. But it's Lily.

"Hello love," James greets, kissing his lips. "What are you doing?"

-We climbed a mountain, James.

-Hey, what are those answers?

Regulus goes to find something to eat in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" James questions, fixing his tie.

-He lacks sex.

James remains petrified, while he sees the blonde answering the cell phone.

"And Pando?" Regulus asks.

James points to the blonde in the living room.

"Love," he speaks, anchoring his arms to his waist. "What's wrong?"

-I'm on my days. "It tires me, James," he complains, burying his head in his boyfriend's chest.

-You know you can ask me whatever you want, right?

-Yes, why do you say that?

-Not for nothing.

Regulus frowned, and then went to get the snack with James from the kitchen.

They lived a life like a married couple.


"What did you say to James?" Black questions, looking at Pandora. At this moment they were in a shopping center

James stopped listening there. His vision focused on a chestnut with a brown jacket.

He ran towards her, remaining calm because Lily was with her boy.

-Who are you?

Bodyguard//JegulusWhere stories live. Discover now