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-Tengo frío- habló Regulus, mientras seguían el paseo sin Pandora.

Black se mordió el labio mientras miraba a James sacarse el saco.

El saco negro fue puesto por su guardaespaldas sobre sus hombros.

-¿Mejor?- cuestiona, sonriente, enamorado.

-Sí, muchas gracias, James- el silencio los envolvió, Regulus realmente quería pasar tiempo con Potter- Te invito a cenar.

-No, Regulus. No se me permite.

-¿Y quien te dirá algo? ¿Evan?- rió, divertido.


-Vamos, James. 

-¿Qué pasa si no acepto?

-Te despido.

-Bien, pero quédate cerca, eres muy escurridizo.

-Oh, no sabes en cuantas cosas soy escurridizo- coqueteó acariciando sus rizos.

James se puso nervioso, mientras miraba a Black.


-Señor Black, tanto tiempo- saludó el gerente- Señor Potter, un placer volver a verlo.

-¿Ya viniste?- preguntó Regulus viendo a James, quien en este momento miraba el menú.

-Soy dueño de esta cadena de hoteles, cariño- respondió distraído.

-¿Por qué trabajas conmigo entonces?

-Me gusta trabajar, y no por nada estudié esto.

-¿Y no te molesta ser un empleado, acostumbrado a que tu seas el señor?

-No sé de qué hablas, yo estoy acostumbrado a que me digan James. 

La humildad del chico de lentes era increíble.

-¿Que vas a pedir, Jaimie?- soltó.


-¿Pizza? estamos en el restaurante más prestigioso del mundo.

-Sí, pizza.

La sonrisa de James se mostró, rompiendo su expresión seria.

-Eres muy lindo cuando sonríes, James.

-Oh, lo siento. dejó de sonreír.

-No, por favor, sigue sonriendo por siempre- suspiró, mirándolo enamorado.

James se sonrojó, bajando la mirada.


"I'm cold," Regulus spoke, as they continued the walk without Pandora.

Black bit his lip as he watched James take off his jacket.

The black jacket was placed by his bodyguard on his shoulders.

"Better?" He questions, smiling, in love.

-Yes, thank you very much, James- silence enveloped them, Regulus really wanted to spend time with Potter- I'll invite you to dinner.

-No, Regulus. I! M not allowed.

-And who will tell you something? "Evan?" He laughed, amused.


-Come on, James.

-What happens if I don't accept?

-I say goodbye to you.

-Fine, but stay close, you are very elusive.

"Oh, you don't know how many things I'm sneaky about," he flirted, stroking his curls.

James became nervous, as he looked at Black.


"Mr. Black, so long," the manager greeted. "Mr. Potter, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"Have you come yet?" Regulus asked, looking at James, who was currently looking at the menu.

"I own this hotel chain, honey," he answered distractedly.

-Why do you work with me then?

-I like to work, and it's not for nothing that I studied this.

-And it doesn't bother you being an employee, used to you being the master?

-I don't know what you're talking about, I'm used to being called James.

The humility of the boy with glasses was incredible.

"What are you going to order, Jaimie?" He blurted out.


-Pizza? We are in the most prestigious restaurant in the world.

-Yes, pizza.

James' smile broke through, breaking his serious expression.

-You are very cute when you smile, James.

-Oh I'm sorry. he stopped smiling.

"No, please, keep smiling forever," he sighed, looking at him in love.

James blushed, looking down.

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