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-Sirius- la voz de James sonaba arrepentida- por favor.

-Agradece que mi chico y mi bebé están bien.

-Lo siento mucho, en serio. No quise, fue un accidente.

-James, ¿te das cuenta de que cambiaste para peor?

-Solo lo quiero tener para mí, protegerlo.

-¿Y no pensaste que quiere él?

Potter se quedó en silencio, pensativo.

Remus apareció, tomándolo del brazo, perdonandolo en silencio.

Sirius podía ser su novio, pero James era su mejor amigo desde que nacieron, o antes, así que no hacían falta palabras para entenderse.

-Lo siento- se disculpó de igual manera.

-Solo trata de dejar de ser tan agresivo. Un día dejaran de alabarte y caerás preso.

-No pue-

-No jodas, James. Mira lo tóxico que sos. Si le llegaste a gustar a Regulus, ahora seguro le das miedo. A todos les das miedo.

-No puedo evitarlo. No puedo tenerlo y lo quiero.Está tan cerca y a la vez tan lejos.

-No puedes obligar a las personas que te amen, Jamie.

-Los sé- suspira, Apoyando la cabeza en el hombro del castaño.


James miró a su costado, viendo una sombra. 

Estaba en horario del trabajo, y se estaba quedando en el molde, siguiendo los consejos de sus amigos.

Y así sintió, durante días, como lo seguían.

Pero Regulus no se quejaba, ni nadie tampoco, no parecían notar la presencia de aquella cosa.


-Que nadie me toque- se quejó Regulus mirando mal a James. Estaba harto de tener a gente toqueteandolo. Hacía que su conjunto sensorial se enloquezca. Y llevaba tiempo tratando esto con la psicóloga, pero no podía seguir ocultando el hecho de que le daba cosa que gente extraña lo toque. Germenes, bacterias...

Lo volvía loco.

James asintió con la cabeza, enfocado en su trabajo.

Había pasado tiempo de su última charla, y ahora seguía en su posición de no emitir una sola palabra.

Black caminó con James siguiéndolo.

-3312, Potter. Hay amenaza de bomba.

Miró a la esquina, visualizando un cabello castaño ocultándose.

-Hay amenaza de bomba- susurró en el oído de Regulus, quien salió corriendo con James a su lado.


-Buenos reflejos, y no solo los del pelo.

-Señorita, no estamos para juegos. Díganos si es o no el asesino del señor.

-Una detective requiere tiempo. Déjeme investigar más a fondo a Potter.


Si, volví a cambiar la portada. ES QUE SACAN FANARTS CADA VEZ MAS HERMOSOS.



-Sirius - James' voice sounded regretful - please.

-Be thankful that my boy and my baby are fine.

-I am really sorry.  I didn't mean to, it was an accident.

-James, do you realize that you changed for the worse?

-I just want to have it for myself, protect it.

-And you didn't think what he wants?

Potter remained silent, thoughtful.

Remus appeared, taking his arm, silently forgiving him.

Sirius might be his boyfriend, but James was his best friend since they were born, or before, so no words were needed to understand each other.

"I'm sorry," he apologized in the same way.

-Just try to stop being so aggressive.  One day they will stop praising you and you will fall prisoner.

-I can't-

-No shit, James.  Look how toxic you are.  If Regulus once liked you, he's probably afraid of you now.  You scare everyone.

-I can't help it.  I can't have him and I want him. He is so close and yet so far away.

-You can't force people to love you, Jamie.

"I know," he sighs, resting his head on the chestnut's shoulder.


James looked to his side, seeing a shadow.

He was on work time, and he was staying in the mold, following the advice of his friends.

And so he felt, for days, how they followed him.

But Regulus wasn't complaining, nor was anyone else, they didn't seem to notice the presence of that thing.


"Don't let anyone touch me," Regulus complained, glaring at James.  He was tired of having people touching him.  He made his sensory system go crazy.  And he had been dealing with this for some time with the psychologist, but he couldn't continue hiding the fact that he didn't like strange people touching him.  Germs, bacteria...

He drove him crazy.

James nodded, focused on his work.

Time had passed since his last talk, and now he was still in his position of not uttering a single word.

Black walked with James following him.

-3312, Potter.  There is a bomb threat.

He glanced at the corner, visualizing brown hair hiding.

"There's a bomb threat," he whispered in Regulus's ear, who ran out with James at his side.


-Good reflections, and not just those in the hair.

-Miss, we are not here for games.  Tell us if he is the man's murderer or not.

-A detective takes time.  Let me investigate Potter further.

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